Alright I have read up on her First I wish to say in the story a kitsune shows up as well but I canr remember much about them so I allow your view of it, we can always say its a different sub breed or something XD Second off a simple conformation, the gear is basically a defense breaker and gives protection against magic and projectiles, I take it she needs to consciously use it or be aware of the attacks in order to stop them? Seeing she would otherwise be untouchable and all and we dont want an she cant be defeated now do we XD also for that note would the protection also count for fist attacks cause thatvmay be a bit op if those trying to hit her gets their arm corroded XD not saying you need to remove it, its just that before I can give any remarks at this point I need to know a bit more about those points I just mentioned of needing to be aware and what if someone physically attacks her with their bare body for the balance breaker taking out peoples souls if their magic is lower then theirs in general thought that is op even though you gave a clear reason why its not a longiness (as gods have way more magic) While its interesting to play with something that could pose a danger for your allies, for the other players sakes I need to know more about this BB's rules of soul extraction such as how close is close, that could on its own be yhe entire turning point if I know about the range of that effect outside those points you made one impressive char and its always the thought out impressive ones that get the most remarks like this it seems so while it may be annoying that I have to ask you about these things its also a compliment felt I should say that Anyway you got a dragon soul inhabited dragon and thus you got a dragon type char on a half human-kitsune basis its a really nice combo and with this ive lost the need to use my own saved rook as that was a dragon so yeah we got some pawns left and a rook left ^^ Once u know these little details then I can say her value [@Kitsune] you asked for the rook because you wantsd to ise it right well as said there are no requirements so feel free ^^ ------ Side note the chars I had stored for later use will most likely still show up but as allies instead of members of our little family ^^ Though they may live with us XD