[@Phobos] Aya began to pant a bit as she continued swinging her zanpakuto around, which would slice through hollows to cause an opening which would be replaced by another hollow. It truly was endless. She decided to try and get out of the middle of these monsters, and made those two metal spiky balls again. She had them charge right down a single path which would start to tear through the hollows, and behind them she would be running. The balls suddenly came to a halt, which halted her before she arced herself backwards and avoided her own attack being thrown at her. So as she stood back up she saw something zoom past her left side, but for some reason she felt lighter.... and lighter. She looked down to see her left arm was kinda of missing and gushing out blood. She began to chuckle a bit as she her shikai reverted back to a sealed state as she held her arm. [color=598527]"Well this really sucks...."[/color] She said as she moved backwards as the lane she made was starting to close back in on her.