[@Oblivion666][@samreaper] [color=f26522][i]Phew, it looks like I'm not the only who that's utter crap with weapons.[/i][/color] Zheng thought to himself while he watched Ike interact with the captain who now had to leave for an unknown reason. At least now a spar between an opponent and himself will not involve him having to block wooden swords from bonking his head. He had enough of that in the academy and that was generally from his own bokken. [color=f26522]"Kamon, you can go and spar with Taito. I'll spar against Ike"[/color] It was an obvious match up. Ike and Zheng were both people who specialized in hakuda and Taito and Kamon were accustomed to using weapons so it made the most sense if they sparred in that exact grouping. Zheng approached Ike with a friendly smile. [color=f26522]"Hakuda is my specialty so I'll be your sparring partner. The name's Rui Aizheng."[/color] The teenager extended his hand out towards the hot blooded man for a handshake. Kamon on the other hand just walked over to Taito without saying a word nor did he smile. He looked down at the shorter man and bowed his head politely, his cold golden eyes never betrayed the lack of feeling that he had. The mod soul just simply walked over to the wrack with the bokken and grabbed one for himself and for Taito, tossing the weapon to the latter. [color=0054a6]"Come at me."[/color] His voice remained monotone, lacking any excitement or nervousness.