The forest felt calm. The snow, although heavy, was only slowing him slightly as he pushed on through the woodlands. It was nice being away from society. He could be who he was, and not have to dodge around questions or make up lies and excuses. William was a free soul out here. The wild however was no place for common man though, and something he'd come to learn very fast as a young hunter. Man was not always the top predator, and that was especially apparent when were-creatures were involved. They had the wits of a human, with the instincts of a beast combined together. For some, they were even more beast than man.. William came to a stop, and leaned against a tree. A short rest was in order for the hunter who had been hiking for quite sometime now. He reached into his coat, and pulled out a small metal flask. Removing the cap, he poured its contents into his mouth, feeling the burn of whiskey as it went down his throat. With a sigh, he slid his flask into his coat and continued onward. It wasn't long however before he came to another halt. Beside his foot, there appeared to be indentations in the snow. The hunter knelt down beside them, giving them a closer look. They were tracks alright, but not just any tracks. [i]Wolf tracks.[/i] The hunter grumbled, looking up from the prints, and examining his surroundings further. It was possible they could just be from wolves, but years of hunting were beasts had made him wary of doubting his worst expectations. The hunter marched onward, following the path these wolf tracks had left for him. Cautiously he scanned his surroundings, and kept a hand on one of his holstered revolvers just in case. He crept through the woods, although not that silently. The chain from his shield still rattled with each move he made, his feet crunching with every step through the snow. Eventually he came to a clearing, stopping right at the edge of the woods, where he saw a house. He couldn't see much from his side of the house, but the tracks had lead him there. He knelt down with a grunt and began to watch the structure.