[@Oblivion666] (He aint Coming the Scumbag! Tis this or nothing...I chose this) [Center][h3][b][color=f26522]Shinzo Harimaya[/color][/b][/h3][/center] Shinzo stood still a bit longer still thinking about things yet he couldn't just wait...he had to do something. He wanted to protect people? he'd have to take his body past it's limit...he'd likely be resting for awhile after this but it'd be worth it. He couldn't be dealing with a dead person on his conscience! Shinzo made his way out the room, his body still a mess as he exited the Squad 4 barracks and began running and stumbling a little "[color=f26522]No...you can't give up...I wont let you![/color]" Shinzo then grit his teeth as he began to shunpo, his body felt weighted and his limbs felt heavy, he was truly having to fight to even move at this point but he'd keep doing it...even if it was immensely painful he wouldn't give in! Shinzo eventually made it out the Seireitei and to the forest...yet he was a bit off from the nest. His body then stopped dead as his legs began shaking, Shinzo looked down at them and then grit his teeth as he slammed his right fist into his left leg and then his right leg "[color=f26522]DON'T YOU FUCKING GIVE UP ON ME! YOU GIVE UP WHEN I FUCKING TELL YOU TO!![/color]" Shinzo then let out a slight roar as he forced himself to move once again. Despite the shooting pains in his legs he had to do it...he was so damn close! "[color=f26522]I'll push this fucking body past it's limits if I have to! even if it damn well kills me! I wont let anyone die!!![/color]" Forcing his body through more sheer pain Shinzo began to shunpo once more and eventually arrived near the hollows nest to see Aya in the midst of hollows that were slowly closing in on her...he then noticed she was missing an arm "[color=f26522]Shit![/color]" Shinzo then unsheathed his Zanpakuto and looked down at it "[color=f26522]I'll pay the fucking price just help me! You've got me at your mercy now fucking help me![/color]" Shinzo looked at his Zanpakuto and then to Aya and back to his Zanpakuto with a panicked look "[color=f26522]Fuck! COME ON![/color]" Just as Shinzo was about to give up on the idea he felt power surge through his body, a heavy purple spiritual energy then shot out of his body forming a large Aura "[i][color=662d91]Very well...I'll help you...but this is for my own motives[/color][/i]" Shinzo then watched as his Zanpakuto changed to it's Shikai form causing him to grin "[color=f26522]Whatever! I just need to get in and out...[/color]" Shinzo then leaped down into the midst of the hollows next to Aya, the purple Spiritual energy still flowing around his body. He then turned and looked at her "[color=f26522]You wont be sitting on me if you die here now will you? As much as I hate it...I'd hate it more if you died.[/color]" Shinzo then picked Aya up, putting her over his left shoulder as he then stabbed his Zanpakuto into the ground as large iron spikes shot out from the ground at the hollows around them, Shinzo then used this as a sort of distraction as he then quickly turned and shunpoed off Thanks to his Zanpakuto he had enough energy to move and more than enough to get them back in good time. Shinzo's destination was Squad 4 to which they arrived at with decent time. Quickly things were sorted out and Aya would be in a room getting healed and bandaged up as soon as...no doubt they'd do other stuff but still. Shinzo however waited outside the Squad 4 barracks...the power from his Zanpakuto still running through his body and the Aura quite prominent. Shinzo then felt the burning feeling in his chest, yet it came on much stronger this time, then his head began to ache as he dropped to his knee's, dropping his Zanpakuto and placing his left hand on his head. Then from his left eye things slowly began to grow darker which caused his eyes to widen "[color=f26522]W-What the fucks happening!?[/color]" Shinzo quickly grabbed his Zanpakuto with his right hand and sealed it causing the energy to all but completely vanish and the darkness to fade from his left eye. This caused him to fall back onto the ground and pant "[color=f26522]...what the hell was that?...[/color]"