Erok nodded as Mai trailed off, and both looked pensively out at the swirling waters around them. "Last I heard, the Avatar hasn't learned any other elements aside from their native Fire. I've never heard of an Avatar being taught multiple elements at once, let alone outside the traditional cycle, but we might not have much choice. I have a feeling that for a while, we'll be acting as bodyguards." Together they sat in silence, contemplating the mess they were about to get themselves into, and the implications it would bring. Erok knew that without talented teachers, the Avatar's abilities wouldn't grow fast enough to fight Iluq in time to stop her. While he was sure that he could teach the Avatar how to Water bend and how to defend against it, he knew little of Mai's abilities other than that she was good enough to combat Water forces and escape intact. That had to mean something, at least. The water around them was beginning to glow a little more warmly as they approached the shoreline, and though the sea was mostly clear, the sky above appeared to becoming cloudy. Erok continued his sweeping movements until they had resurfaced, sliding up and along the sandy shore and behind some nearby foliage. Gesturing for Mai to stand with him, he then bent the ice craft into liquid water again, allowing it to pour into the earth, soaking into the soil. They had arrived. Black smoke was coiling up from the town. It would be risky to use his prepared flares at this point, lest he draw attention from the enemy. What if the Avatar and Chit couldn't get through the Water forces to the shoreline? They needed to move, and quickly. "Mai, the plan at this point is to meet with the Avatar and his Fire bending master. If we don't happen to cross paths, they should send a bright purple or green plume of flame from this location, in which case we double back. I don't like the look of that smoke, they should be here by now; if they happened to be ambushed by traitor Fire military, they could be in serious trouble. I need to go help them, but I won't force you to come with. You can either stay here and wait for them, or come with me and help search, wherever you think you'd be most useful."