[@hatakekuro][@Oblivion666] [h3]NPC - ???[/h3] Suddenly, a young males head plopped in between the two of them from above. [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/deadmanwonderland/images/3/3c/Toto_anime.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120725170657[/img] His legs were wrapped around what seemed like an ordinary broom, but yet it was floating in the air above. He stared at them, a wide grin and excited expression on his face [color=teal]"Well well, looks like Cap has recruited some interesting people. And here I thought he was a sour apple"[/color] He giggled at the end of his sentence, covering his mouth with his unusual garb. It wasn't the clothes of all the shinigami around but instead his own personal clothing. The broom spun around, the male now sitting regularly [color=teal]"Let me guess, he left you guys to spar while he had "some matters to attend to". You people are really dense if you think that man is busy, its his goals to be not busy"[/color] He chuckled, bad mouthing the captain and not caring one bit. He leaned backwards, doing a backflip off the broom and landing on his feet. The broom floated downwards into his hand. [color=teal]"Since the captain is too lazy to do anything, I'll have to be the ones testing you"[/color] He tapped the wooden end of his broom on the floor. The straw began to rapidly grown and form something to the left of it. In no time, there was an identical clone made of straw standing next to the man. HE turned to Ike [color=teal]"Since you use fire, it would be bad if my clone fought you. So i'll be fighting you. BUt that doesn't mean you should underestimate my clone. Afterall, we're both seated"[/color] He said with a wide grin, shunpoing in front of Ike and sending an uppercut to his face. The clone shunpoed behind Zheng, attempting to sweep kick him.