[h1] Bestiary[/h1] Basic info of Bestiary as a whole... [h3] High-Land Monsters[/h3] Areas: Rolling hills [hider=The Domestic Bull] [img]http://www.paulgoodenough.co.uk/resource_pool/entries/ryan_firchau_chimeran_oxon_horse/oxhorsechimerandesignclr.jpg[/img] Status: Docile. Specie info: These massive bulls are prized in rural areas for their power and impressive size. They are coveted by farmers- whoever has the biggest bull is usually the best farmer- because that makes sense, right? [/hider] [h3] Mid-Land Monsters[/h3] Areas: The Plains [hider=Grassy Plains cow] [img]http://www.conceptart.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=1289343&d=1311989537[/img] Status: Docile. Will charge if young are threatened. Specie info: The grassy plains cow produces milk that's sweet and nutritious. They run in herds that litter the open fields. Its no secret that these animals have the ability to sense approaching objects- no matter the level of stealth. They skirt away at the least bit of danger. And so- grassy plains cow milk is pretty expensive, since very few manage to get their hands on some. [/hider] [h3] Forest Monsters[/h3] Areas: Degar [hider=Snow Harts] [img]http://images4.alphacoders.com/233/233564.jpg[/img] Legend holds that they are the reincarnated souls of children who were lost in the woods. status: non-threatening. The above hart has impossibly long antlers- most have smaller (albeit still tangled-like) antlers. [/hider] [hider=Moss Gecko] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/128/8/2/Forest_Creature_by_kaijae.jpg[/img] Status: non-threatening. Specie info: the Moss Gecko grows algae and fungi on its body to befit the season and forest that they live in. These beasts are the size of house cats and often roam about the forest in groups of 4 or 5. [/hider] [hider=Starlight] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/7b/0d/28/7b0d28ded59eafe66bc250dd4dc1e89a.jpg[/img] status: mischievous but otherwise harmless. Specie info: Fairy-folk indigenous to the Degar forest. They love to pull pranks on the villagers and will often disguise themselves to walk among people. They have the tendency to glow when they are embarrassed- especially at night- and this often gives away their disguises. [/hider] [hider=The Satre clans] [img]http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/features/feat263c_sfiqufuzwx.jpg[/img] status: threat. They are an organized people that specialize in guerrilla warfare- ambushing from the trees. They have recently been allied to the Maw and their attacks on the villages have been increasing at an alarming rate. They wear battle masks of gold- fashioned in the face of their god and father Pan. [/hider] [hider=The Acalypha Spider] [img]http://img8.mmo.mmo4arab.com/newforum/upload//2011/11/17/1321520535799.jpg[/img] GROSS NASTY NASTY Status: EW GET AWAY Specie info: These spiders carry their young on their backs. They scuttle about the forest floor in search of things to STAB WITH THEIR POISONOUS LEGS. Like the common spider they inject a serum into the flesh of their victims- so their insides liquefy so they can better consume the flesh. Their bodies are camouflaged by an exoskeleton that imitates foliage. Btw they can will the eggs on their back to explode- not only killing themselves and their young- but also those standing near them. [/hider] [h3] Tundra Monsters[/h3] Areas: The Mountains [hider=Ice Behemoth] [img]http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/R1CH/HotS/ConceptArt/mrjack_SnowBeast_comp.jpg[/img] Status: Aggressive when approached. Keep at a distance. Specie info: They run in packs- taking down their prey like wolves would. There has been rumor that a man lives high up in the mountain with these things- sleeping in their dens and sharing in their kills. [/hider] [hider=Tundric Tiger] [img]http://www.paulgoodenough.co.uk/resource_pool/entries/the_chimeran_concept_art_military_beast/militarychimeran.jpg[/img] Status: Aggressive. Avoid at all costs. Specie info: A rare beast. The last had been spotted near the snowy top of mt. Gegaria. Very little is known about their habits. [/hider] [h3] Desert Monsters[/h3] Areas: