As Zeke was staring to a chessboard there was a knock on the door of his personal room. "Yes" was all the reply he gave and all he needed to give, the girls he had staying under his roof knew he always let them enter regardless of time or situation, this was just courtesy, meaning this was either Runa or Moena, not that he needed to guess, he already had felt the aura of Moena stopping at his door. "The girls are all done packing master" she said as she entered the room. "Good, then The day after tomorrow we will go to the training site" He replied without taking his eyes of the board. "Our First rating game, I am excited" Moena said as she leaned over the board, her breasts swaying a little in corner of Zeke's eyes, she was in her Devil shape. "have you checked on Ophelia yet, this will be her training experience away from our little home" Zeke asked, wanting to make sure their newest member was properly prepared for what was to come. "I asked if she was packed but I guess I should check, see if she is not forgetting anything" Zeke nodded and soon after Moena walked out of the room. He wondered how the training week will be, it was not just that they had 1 new member, there was an older member that was unable to join last time they went, Yuriha was unavailable last time so this would be her first time as well, but at least she knew what to prepare as she has been a member for a while, Ophelia was a member for less then a week by now... After a minute Zeke suddenly stood up and looked out the window of his room, it was night, but that was not the reason he looked out the window, now that reason was that an unknown aura had just flew over their little home. not many supernatural creatures would be able to notice them though, it was an old school building, much like the gremory group had in japan, however this was holland* and this is a school that has been abandoned and bought by Zeke with some help of the Gremory's to act as their home, it was a full building that ow acted as their home and on walking distance to a real school a few blocks further where the girls would go to school tomorrow. and best was, with some help of the maou's he had some seals around the building so nearly no one realized the building, sure they knew it was there if they were really looking around, otherwise they would just look over it but still, something was in the area and he wanted to know what. without letting the girls know Zeke exited the building and walked towards the angle the person was flying, it was a walk for quite a few minutes before he found it. the figure was standing in front of zeke, a fallen angle trying to look cool on top of a street light "Ive been searching for you, your hard to find you know" the fallen said. "just means I am doing my job right" Zeke replied, though his attention was getting drawn, an other aura had appeared walking in their direction, an enemy? maybe, it could try to walk and attack from the shadows, but what if its a civilian taking some shortcut or something... "Your Job is to hide, well with that sensing power of yours thats easy cash" The fallen said, he seemed confused at Zeke's remark. "No, its to protect those who live under my wing" did the fallen just said he knew of his aura sense, then they know an ambush wont work, so this was a civilian, damn "hey, whats the matter, sensing something, maybe a human in the area, I got some good senses you know, I think he's somewhere... there" the man said as he threw an spear towards the civilian in the area. The figure did stop in his or her tracks, Zeke hoped that the civilian was stuck or scared and that the fallen had missed hurting him/ her well he still had an aura so he was not killed in one shot at least, if he could get to it in time he could try and heal the person. "you know I can sense, yet you fail to grasp the mistake you just made" Zeke said, anger sounded in his voice. "what mistake, you have no idea how great it is to kill, its why I fell you know, cause there is nothing better then killing" the fallen responded in a delirious way. Zeke did not even granted the guy a reply, instead he released a bolt of thunder from his hand, knocking the angle from the light. "Man that hurts you know" the fallen said as he tried to get up, however from nowhere an spear of light stabbed him though his head. where the spear came from, even Zeke had no idea. "seems he gave you some problems, I Apologize for that" A new voice called from the sky, a voice Zeke recognized. "Azazel" "yeah, while I'll take my leave now, got a nice new place in japan I plan to live, and dont worry about him, he was trying to start a new war, we have been looking for him for a while, I take it that with his death by my hands were all still at peace right, anyway maybe you should see to that human he wounded, seems he is pretty badly wounded, you know, if you have any of those pieces left you should use it, he has a nice little gear on him, great for a knight" From that point on Zeke knew Azazel has left, damn that guy, he always knew how to avoid his aura sense, well its to be expected from the grigori leader to be a master of stealth... Zeke started to run to the civilian, he did not wanted to do what that fallen angel had told him, but he knew the person was in bad shape, his aura had started to lessen bit by bit the man was still conscious when Zeke found him, the spear had missed anything vital but at this rate he was going to bleed to death. he thought about what he was going to do, he could not trust azazel, but on the other hand the fallen had no reason to trick him still he had 3 options, let the kid die, no he could never do that, the kid was, what 16? he could either let Runa treat the wound, it would likely leave a scar but he'll live, however the question is would he make it until he reached Runa, the kids chances would be better if he would take the risk and trusts Azazel, change him right here and now, use that to restore the wound. "Kid, unless you wish to die I have two options for you, either we take the risk to get to healed with a scar, but we might not make it on time, or you become one of my peers, it will be an instant heal but you will become a devil, its your choice as long as your conscious" As Zeke said devil he shaped his aura so the boy could see, calling his wings and due to popular believe he decided to shape horns as he knew his wings were not that convincing as the bat ones his fellow devils had (*its a fictional holland as not everyone here will be even in the slightness familiar with the country)