[@AbigailTenshi] SMACK. Yukio stormed off from a small group of shinigami. One of them was holding a bright red cheek and cursing at the girl as she walked off [color=crimson]"Stupid men! Think I'm hitting on them just cause I'm asking for directions. HOW HARD IS IT TO BELIEVE A GIRL WANTS TO TALK JUST TO TALK AND NOT FOR SEX!!"[/color] The other shinigamis were staring at her with wide eyes, as if she was crazy. Yukio "hmphed" and walked off with slightly red cheeks, embarrassed for not controlling her voice. After an hour of searching and questioning, Yukio had finally made it to Squad 13 [color=crimson]"So this is Squad 13 huh. So if I join this squad, I should be able to visit the Human World and I'll be one step closer"[/color SHe took a step forward in to the barracks and searched around for someone in charge.