Hi, I'm Karamonnom. So I decided that I needed someone who can do a more fast-paced RP with me. I'm not expecting like immediate responses, but it would be nice to have something casual to RP while I'm waiting for a larger one to move along. The posts should be free-casual, so don't expect 5 paragraphs from me and I won't do the same with you. So here are some examples of some light-hearted RP plots we could do: 1. Two friends who are bored out of their minds decide to hang out and make the most of their day by doing weird, crazy things they normally wouldn't do. 2. A goofy hero who is trying to save a "damsel in distress", who really doesn't need saving and is trying to convince them otherwise. 3. A person who wakes up to find their pet has been turned into a human, but still has the mind of their pet. 4. A person gets cursed and they try to break it with the help of their friend/lover/ a random stranger. The list could go on, but I think you get what I mean. I'm pretty open to any ideas you might have as well. Notes: - I don't like gore and I'm not in the mood for anything sexual in nature. So none of that please! - I usually play a female, but could try being a male if requested.. Just don't blame me if it sucks - Romance is fine by me. Preferably MxF though, but whatever. So if you're interested, let me know. PM me or leave a post below.