[@Phobos][@Kurisa] Sai decided to take a stroll incase any other new Shinigami happened to wonder into her barracks. It had been quite a busy day after all, with quite a handful of new Shinigami joining so it wouldn't be unnatural if a few others were on their way. Sai expected that after today there would be no more new recruits, meaning that she could start focusing on training missions and team building exercises. [color=a187be][b]"Ahh, today has been blissful, hasn't it Akira?"[/b][/color] Sai spoke to the white-haired Shinigami trailing behind her. Early when he returned from his mission with Sotaro, Sai was informed of what had happened in the Human World. After a stern talking to with Akira, Sai let Sotaro go and asked for Akira to follow her so she could talk about certain Squad member matters and get his opinion. In exchange for this, Sai gave Akira a handful of flavoured lollipops, which he of course couldn't resist. [color=a187be][b]"So what do you think? Human world rock-climbing or surfing as a Squad reward for completing a few missions and training sessions to a good enough standard? Perhaps at some point we could invite members from other Squads to join too so we all can get to know each-other! Obviously this'll be much much later on of course but I like to plan in advance"[/b][/color] Continuing her walk, Sai spotted an unfamiliar bright-red-headed female wondering the barracks, a new recruit maybe? Walking closer to this Shinigami, Sai lifted her right hand to wave. [color=a187be][b]"Hello there, are you lost? If so, I may be able to help. I'm Sai Yoshimasuto, the Squad Thirteen Captain. You may call me Captain Yoshi is you wish"[/b][/color] Wearing yet another one of her friendly welcoming smiles, Sai greeted the Shinigami.