(Shizuka is...brutal...so there may or may not be some gory stuff) [Center][h3][b][color=90EE90]Shizuka[/color][/b][/h3][/center] Despite Shizuka being in the Academy for only a small while she graduated very quickly yet she wasn't placed within a Squad, instead left to run around on her own. This didn't bother Shizuka in the slightest yet the only reason she graduated so fast was due to the Teachers being worried about her compatibility with the other students. She had talent and strength and they couldn't turn her down for that reason. However right now Shizuka had been drawn to some commotion caused within a forest...hollows were easy to find and in this rare case...they were the prey. Shizuka didn't fear hollow...in truth...even some stronger hollow feared her...not for her power but for her brutality. You did not want to find yourself against her for this reason! She wouldn't fight you for fun, she fight you to kill you...killing was what she enjoyed and that was exactly what she was doing here in this forest. Shizuka walked towards a group of hollow, stepping over one of the already deceased hollows bodies. Her eye fixated on one in particular, she knew this would be the first to attack and she was correct...however using her shunpo she appeared before it, ramming the knife she wielded in her right hand into it's gut which stopped it dead, she then tore the knife across it's gut and reached into it's stomach with her left hand and ripped it's guts out and threw them back as she then slashed up it's chest, cutting it clean open which caused blood to spray all over her as the hollow fell back...and is it did it revealed her bloody appearance, her red eye glowing brightly as she looked at the rest of the hollows. She then tilted her head to the right slightly as she waited for them to make the first move...yet the cowered...which caused Shizuka to grow a little irritated as she then sat down on the chest of the hollow she had just killed and began ramming her knife repeatedly into it's mask, causing more and more blood to spray out onto her before it finally faded. Shizuka then stood up once more and looked at her left hand that still had blood dripping from it...Shizuka then looked back at the hollows and took a step towards them which caused most to suddenly run. This wasn't a matter of power...this was fear...none of them wanted to go through a fate equal to or worse than the hollow before and with each kill it grew more and more brutal.