[@AbigailTenshi] [Center][h3][b]Akira[/b][/h3][/center] Akira was in a bit of a mood due to Sotaro ratting him out however in the end he still got more candy so he couldn't complain to much. At this point Akira had various lollipops in his mouth as he followed Sai and listened to her speak about something to do with the Squad. "[b]Candy is good...[/b]" he assumed this was what Sai meant by a blissful day...after all Akira had got a lot of candy today so he didn't have much to sulk about. He then listened as the Captain spoke about day out events which made him think...then he spoke "[b]We should go for Ice Cream...seems more fun...everyone likes Ice cream.[/b]" As Akira looked at the different lollipops he didn't notice Sai stop and greet the new person and so bumped into her, thankfully her nice bottom stopped him mostly. He then looked up and spoke "[b]Thanks to your nice bottom Captain I was stopped from dropping my candy...thank you[/b]" Akira then continued to eat his candy, not even paying attention to the new person