[@AbigailTenshi] [h3][color=crimson]Yukio[/color][/h3] Yukio was starting to get annoyed, not finding anyone of importance the entire time. Instead, she came across new recruits just like herself except they were already in the squad. She had missed the initiation and let out a pout [i]Great, I missed the initiations. Everything I worked for gone! Just because people weren't wiling to give direcctions![/i] The more she was thikning, the angrier she was getting. Until she heard a soft and gentle voice, turning to see who it was. Her face quickly brightened up, standing up straight and looking proper in front of the captain. She bowed before speaking [color=crimson]"Y-yes, I am looking to join! Oh...Wait, thats not what you asked"[/color] SHe looked down to hide her face [color=crimson]"I was looking for you actually, in hopes of joining your squad"[/color] She didn't pay much attention to the male speaking about butts. In her eyes, he looked like a caveman screaming snu snu.