[@Kurisa][@Kitsune][@LokiLeo789] Yakima remained hidden as Shinzo saved Aya from near death, sniping off hollows from a far without either of them noticing. His presence was completely erased, unable to be detected by anyone except for a select few. His expression was furious, glaring at the hollows as Shinzo sped off away from massive amount of hollows. [i]Someone fucked up...real bad. This was supposed to be a simple mission of clearing off hollows but this....this isn't what I got in my reports. Good thing I followed my intuition.[/i] He clenched his fist, standing up and leaping down off a branch. [i]I'll make someone pay when I get back but I have to deal with these hollows. They're multiplying at alarming rates and we're not too far from the Rukon...[/i] Yakima's thoughts stopped half way, sensing a higher degree of spiritual pressures [color=gray]"Are you going to come out or are you too afraid to face your deaths"[/color] Multiple red glowing eyes appeared from the darkness, all fixated on Yakima. [i]3....no 4? No, its a trick. One of them is scrambling my ability to detect reiatsu....but how[/i] Yakima tightly gripped his hilt, preparing for them. In a flash, one of the hollows zoomed by Yakima. He effortlessly dodged it and prepared to counter. But dozens of shards came flying from behind. He shupoed out of the way, the shards on the ground near him [i]Diamonds?[/i] THey began to glow brightly, exploding and generating a blue dustcloud with azure flames by where Yakima was at. He landed on a branch near by, his expression serious [i]No...someone didnt mess up, they did this.[/i] Yakima looked around, multiple small classed hollows around him. He sighed, not wanting to deal with small fry. He was fixated on these hollows.All at once, the hollows charged at him from all sides. HIs face was calm, slashing through them before they even had the chance to strike. His arm was moving at incredible speeds, fighting off dozens of hollows at once. Suddenly, a blur came at him from behind a hollow he just killed. He released a burst of reiatsu, freezing it in it's place. [i]Got you[/i] He slashed at its mask, attempting to cut it in two. BUt somehow, it kicked off the air and darted away. However it didn't come out unscathed. Its arm fell onto the ground, squirming and moving around. Yakima looked around, the small hollow gone from his sight already. Out of the blue, the other hollows began to move away from Yakima and back towards a certain area. Yakimas eyes quickly widened, now understanding why they grouped up in one area. The other hollows were attempting to escape. He aimed his palm at the hollows [color=gray]"Sokatsui"[/color] HE fired off a massive torrent of blue energy at the hollows, clearing out a large number of them But it wasn't enough. He saw the tear in space slowly closing, 5 pairs of eyes within them. All of them looking amused. He sighed, grabbing an attacking hollows head and smashing it into pieces. Now able to freely sense reiatsu, Yakima detected another reiatsu signature that wasn't like the hollows. He let out a sigh [color=gray]"Why is there a shinigami left here?"[/color] He shunpoed to the source, seeing a young girl who was...killing a hollow? It was obvious she was butchering it but he pretended not to see that. He raised an eyebrow [color=gray]"Hello...I am Yakima...you should return to the Soul Society. It's dangerous here[/color] He said to the female.