[@Kurisa][@Phobos] Sai let out a short chuckle sound when Akira bumped into her, he must not of been paying much attention to where he was walking. He then complemented her bottom in an innocent way which she smiled at, she knew Akira wasn't like most of the more [i]sexual[/i] young Shinigami and so she took it as no more than a complement. [color=a187be][b]"Well thank you for the complement Akira, I'm glad you didn't drop your candy"[/b][/color] Turning to the girl, Sai's smile brightened a little more at how the girl was acting. It was always a nice sight to see a Shinigami prepared to take on her Squad as a member with such politeness. Stretching her right hand forward, Sai offered the female a handshake as she usually would whenever she initiated a Shinigami. [color=a187be][i]'I knew I'd find another one!'[/i] [b]"Well I'm happy that you chose to join my Squad, welcome to Squad Thirteen Shinigami"[/b][/color] If the female had shook Sai's hand, the woman would of released it at this moment before continuing to talk. [color=a187be][b]"Now, I need you to complete one task in order for you to become an official unseated member of this Squad. This task will be a spar with my assistant Shinigami Akira here"[/b][/color] Sai wafted a hand in Akira's direction to highlight her spar partner. [color=a187be][b]"Keep in mind, this will only be a spar, I do not wish to see you two try to land as many hits as possible. What I want to see is you use some of your skills, ones that you know you are good at using just so I can get an idea of how you could potentially preform in a combat situation. Kido is allowed, but only Kido you know fully well how to use and control. For this spar, you both will be using bokken while I keep a hold of your Zanpakutos to ensure that you don't use them. This is a precaution I always take with my recruits, nothing personal Okay?"[/b][/color] Sai abruptly vanished before returning a second later with two bokken held in her left hand before taking a step back to face both Shinigami. [color=a187be][b]"Once you have told me your name Shinigami, the both of you can pass me your sealed Zanpakutos and take a bokken. Once you have done this, feel free to start, I'll be watching. I'll tell you both when to stop, unless you both feel the need to stop sooner in which case I expect you both to stop the spar, understood?"[/b][/color] With all the information that she needed to give said, Sai held out both of her hands, ready to take Zanpakutos with her right hand and offer a bokken with her left.