[@Phobos] (Shizuka is...brutal...so there may or may not be some gory stuff) [Center][h3][b][color=90EE90]Shizuka[/color][/b][/h3][/center] Shizuka watched as the rest of the hollow ran and she was about to give chase until she heard a voice. She looked to the person who spoke and listened as he told her to go back...she could clearly see he was a Captain yet she just ignored this and gave chase to the hollows. No one got away from her...she'd make sure of it. Shizuka leaped of tree's and shunpoed of branches as she appeared in the air behind one of the fleeing hollows, she then threw her knife into the top of it's neck as she flew down and gripped the knife and ripped it up it's neck and through the back of it's head before shunpoing off of the hollow and continuing chase after the other hollows, leaving the one she had just cut to bleed out and die slowly...at it's stage it didn't have high speed regeneration...so death was inevitable for it. Shizuka then appeared to the right side of another hollow and slashed at the back of it's right knee causing it to stop and fall slightly, the hollow then swung it's right arm back towards her to which she just stabbed her knife into, her left hand then shot into the hollows right side as she then gripped it's spine and ripped it back causing it to snap and break, she then tore her knife out the hollows right arm and appeared infront of it as she rammed her knife into it's throat then tore it out causing blood to spray over her once again before she shunpoed while facing backwards and turning mid shunpo to pursue the last hollow in sight...this one she had something special planned. Shizuka shunpoed high into the air and pointed her left hand at the hollow, extending her index finger towards the hollow as she fired one hado 4 into's the back of it's right knee and then another soon after into's it's left causing it to fall to it's knee's as she then began to drop, landing on it's shoulders as her Zanpakuto then began to glow and change form as it turned into a scythe, she then hooked the scythes blade up into it's gut and ripped it up causing it's internals to fall out as then then pulled the scythe blade from it's chest and wrapped it around it's neck as she then beheaded it and flipped back off the hollow, landing on her feet as she sealed her Shikai back into it's knife form. Despite loosing a few seconds due to that Captains appearance she was still able to kill them...now she just needed to find more