Yuriha had just finished packing her belongings, but the anxiety of her first trainings trip with her new family was so much that she felt the urge to double check things lies than five minutes after she was done. "I guess everything is here," she said to herself after repacking everything. The contents of her backpack where mostly books about all kinds of things that she had loaned from her school's library as well as some Zeke gave her on her last birthday a few weeks ago. She knew that if Moena, who she fondly calls Moe-nee, saw what she was packing she would get scolded but she simply couldn't part with her books, after all, how can someone give up on something so fun as reading? "No, wait I forgot to buy more candies. I guess I'd I hurry to the nearest market I can still make before Moe-nee comes to check on me again." As soon as Yuriha said that she dashed out of her room and hid her tails and ears with her magic, she was still wearing her school uniform which was about the only clothing that she really liked, especially because Zeke had entry through the trouble of finding a school whose uniform looked almost like a Japanese one, but when Moe-nee asked him if it was because of some weird fetish he always found a way to deceive her. When Yuriha excited through the front door, she found Hecate, or as she likes to think He-chan, training asks she always did, even when it wasn't necessary. Yriha always felt a connection with Hecate, she could understand the other girl's pain, because she too had grew up without a family and was forced to fend fo her own for sometime, but that was all that Yuriha knew about Hecate because she was even less of a talker than Yuriha is. She thought about calling the other girl out, decided not to bother her with small talk, specially since she didn't knew what to talk about, so she quickly dashed out of the main gate after stuttering a hurried "Good afternoon". While she ruin towards the market, Yuriha couldn't help but think that she was the dumbest person in the world, for not being able to talk with someone that she considered more family than those of her own blood.