[@Phobos][@AbigailTenshi] [Center][h3][b]Akira[/b][/h3][/center] Listening to Sai now speak to the new person he continued to lick his various lollipops until Sai spoke about Akira sparring the new girl. Akira then looked at the new girl...she didn't seem like much...her body wasn't really interesting...especially compared to Sai's, However he didn't mind sparring her he just wished he didn't have to do it. Yet when Sai came back and asked for them to give her their Zanpakuto's Akira looked her slightly confused then just hugged her seeing as he kinda was his Zanpakuto "[b]here you go Captain...[/b]" Akira said blinking a little...he thought she knew about his Shikai and how he was sort of one with it but clearly she didn't...or maybe she forgot? either way he did as ordered and that was now why he was hugging her...