Alright! Here's my CS (Finally). If there's any problems, or when I'm accepted, let me know~! [hider=Riad Tyle Dromokov][b]Name[/b]: Riad Tyle Dromokov [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 28 [b]Race[/b]: Perili [b]Affinity[/b]: [color=blue]Sensus[/color] [b]Personality[/b]: Riad seems like he thinks he floats through life with no trouble, almost always aloof, amused, energetic, and definitely not entirely sane. While he doesn’t trust anyone, he doesn’t have the inclination or thought to distrust them either, and so simply settles for never letting his life be placed in someone else’s hands intentionally. He can often be seen frolicking about in an odd manner, and trying to think of new ways to use his magic when he needs to sit still. He also has a habit of coming up with a definite opinion of someone almost immediately, sometimes before even meeting them, as to whether he likes or dislikes them. Those he likes almost never hear him cease talking when his attention turns to them, and those he dislikes he ignores, or replies in his own made-up language until they leave him alone. If alone in a room with a lot of people, he can be caught staring lengthily at an individual, chosen at random, in an odd manner. [b]Fighting Style[/b]: Riad relies heavily on his self-created “physical” illusion spells. Combining the four affinities he has tought himself,, Riad is capable of creating illusions that are practically real, including the ability to cause physical pain. Almost all of his illusions are of two affinities at least, most often Lux and Sensus, as those are what he finds to make the best two-affinity illusions, though they do not cast a shadow. He only has one conduit, which he made himself, and is simply a short whittled stick that emits a bright flash of light that can easily cause temporary blindness. If Riad is forced to resort to physical brutality, he will bite, claw, and kick without knowing pain or fear, and has surprising strength for his frame. [b]Bio[/b]: Riad was born, unfortunately, on Spinel, and was subjected to raw magic at a young age, warping him permanently. Ever since, he’s had stunted growth, especially pale skin, a sickly look, and an equally sick mind. It wasn’t until much later in his life that he theorized that this incident actually increased the amount of power he had. After he made a partial recovery from the magic warp, he began thoroughly enjoying skinning, stabbing, throwing, and breaking the bones of any small creatures unlucky enough to come within reach of him long enough to be caught. He fortunately didn’t take this idea to small people, but not everyone figured that out after meeting him, resulting in him once or twice nearly getting lynched. Around the age of twelve, Riad became almost obsessed with magic, teaching himself with every bit of knowledge available in the town he was in. His first spell is the one he’s almost come to master, his “Flash Pain” spell. He enjoyed torturing both person and animal with this spell, eventually getting himself into positions where he was avoided as much as possible. Riad had no problem with this, as it gave him more time to collect ingredients and make more spells for himself. At one point he had tried to create his own language to create spells in, but he found it just simply did not work, though he could not determine why. He held on to the language however, though it hasn’t saved him much trouble. Once he turned eighteen, Riad left his home with no warning and began wandering Spinel in hopes of learning more about magic, especially the kinds he already used. After just short of a decade of this, Riad stowed away on a boat to Chalcedony, and has never once considered returning to Spinel since. He has since acted as a wandering vagabond, sleeping where he can and doing some random odd-jobs when he needs more coin. His wanderings eventually led him to the city of Ebb, where he finally decided to settle down. He has yet to find a single place to live, and so wanders the town during the day and sleeps in high alleys and other places at night, when something else doesn’t come up. [b]Appearance[/b]: Standing at 5’3”, almost marshmallow colored, and physically looks to be just skin and bones, the only thing intimidating about this little man is the insane look in his eye.To anyone who has any familiarity with magic warp, it is clear both his body and mind have been affected by it to the point of it being incurable, but seemingly survivable, and the patches of green-blue scales on seemingly random places on his bodies don’t help him look any less sickly. His gait is very precise and quick, though his slouch is noticeable, and gives him a sense of animality and savagery. His wardrobe comes entirely out of his backpack, and is only a couple of changes of long shirts and long pants. He always wears a belt, and typically hooked onto it as well as around his shoulder is a awkward looking bag that contains his travelling food and money. The only item that is clearly a personal affect is a bronze band that he wears on his left ring finger. [b]Additional[/b] [b]Character Quote[/b]: “Don’t worry, Illusions can’t hurt you, right?” [b]Motivation[/b]: To be able to create illusions that are equivalent to their real counterparts. [b]Greatest Love[/b]: Causing Pain [b]Greatest Fear[/b]: Losing the ability to do spells. [b]Miscellaneous Objects On Person[/b]: A Butter knife, a spoon, two forks (“One for stabbing and one for eating”), a small block of wood, a picture of a woman, a ticket to a play, a copious amount of pencils, his home-mad magic wand, and two sealed vials of raw Tenebris. [b]List of Spells[/b] (Key: ▲ are Cast spells, △ are Touch spells, ■ are Self spells, ● are Area spells, ○ are Curse spells, and ◨ are Rune spells. The number of ★’s represents how skilled Riad is at that spell, with a maximum of five.) [b]Single Affinity Spells[/b]: ★★★★★, △ [color=blue]Sensus[/color]; Flash Pain: Causes instant agonizing pain in target. ★★★★, △ [color=blue]Sensus[/color]; Feeless; Causes the target to not be able to feel the caster temporarily. ★★★★, ■ [color=black]Tenebris[/color]; Vanish: Causes the caster to vanish from sight, works best in shadows. ★★★, ● [color=lightblue]Sonus[/color]; Deafen: Emits a very loud piercing sound. ★★★, ● [color=lightblue]Sonus[/color]; Deaden: Reduces sound in the area. ★★, ▲[color=yellow]Lux[/color]; Focus: Redirects light. [b]Dual Affinity Spells[/b]: ★★★★, ▲[color=yellow]Lux[/color], [color=blue]Sensus[/color]; Bladed Pain: Creates a blade of light in the caster’s hand that causes severe pain when the blade is touched, and is capable of passing through solid objects. ★★★★, ▲ [color=blue]Sensus[/color], [color=black]Tenebris[/color]; Speaking Shadow: Creates fake shadows that give living creatures the sense of being watched, and the caster is capable of making a particular individual think they are hearing whispers. ★★★★, ◨△ [color=blue]Sensus[/color], [color=lightblue]Sonus[/color]; Warning: This spell can be of any size, and when triggered lets out a high-pitched squeal as well as sends a short sense of feeling to the caster, informing him or her of its being triggered and cannot be activated by the caster. ★★★, ▲● [color=yellow]Lux[/color], [color=lightblue]Sonus[/color]; Blind and Deaf: This spell is the equivalent of a flashbang. ★★★, ▲ [color=yellow]Lux[/color], [color=lightblue]Sonus[/color]; Speaking Illusion: Creates an illusion of any shape or size that can be seen and heard. ★★★, ▲ [color=black]Tenebris[/color], [color=lightblue]Sonus[/color]; Walking Shadow: Creates shadows at the edges of the targets vision that seem to be walking around, and sometimes whisper. ★★, ▲ [color=yellow]Lux[/color], [color=black]Tenebris[/color]; Solid Illusion: Creates a visual representation of something that can interact with the world, but not be heard. ★★, ◨▲■ [color=yellow]Lux[/color]. [color=lightblue]Sonus[/color]; Farsee: Caster puts a rune on a surface that can be activated by the caster at any time to see and hear what is going on in front of/around the rune. Very Limited “Signal” range. ★★, ● [color=yellow]Lux[/color], [color=Black]Tenebris[/color]; Confuse: Creates nonsensical shadows and lights around the caster that are often conflicting and distracting, not to mention confusing. [b]Strengths[/b]: [color=Green]Spells naturally have a higher potency. Wide variety of spells. Can use four different magic affinities. Doesn’t feel pain. Wonderful at lying.[/color] [b]Weaknesses[/b]: [color=red]If he likes someone, it’s impossible to reverse that, and he will always be friendly to them. Physical deformities due to Magic Warp Due to using four affinities, they are not as powerful as using one or two. Does not always act or speak coherently. Distractible. Terrible at gambling. Completely untrustworthy and everyone knows it.[/color][/hider]