Grimm By the time Marci had put down his sketchbooks, Grimm would be done with his sketch. Feeling rather pleased with himself, he would turn around to show the piece to her. He'd cleaned up the lines, and had already inked out Marci, the jester, and his angered victim. He'd set the scene in an elegant ballroom, and from the ceiling came crystalline chandeliers, each one looking like a waterfall of diamonds frozen in time. He'd added some shadow to her eyes, which he had already began to color in a mysterious icy blue, in order to draw more attention to the high level of detail he'd put into them. Nothing else he had done was of particular note, he'd just filled out the people, put more detail in the clothes, things like that. He'd get to seriously coloring it, and the other one, when he retired for the night, but this was a good enough point to end it. "Here we are, I hope it is to your satisfaction," Grimm gave her a smile, smaller than his earlier ones a bit cold, but it did seem a good deal more genuine as well. It faded a little as he saw her expression, though he saw what she was looking at and gave an understanding nod. "Most tend to have that reaction when they look through that one, it isn't for the faint of heart. . . probably should've warned you, now that I think about it. Oh well, what is done is done." Grimm placed the sketchbook he was currently holding in Marci's hands, and collected his other two and placed them into his jacket pocket, where they both vanished into the darkness. "So, do you like it, if so i can give you a copy when I've finished." [@LowKey123] Xavier [color=f26522]"As many times as he's done the same, he has no right to complain or even talk about it."[/color] Xavier mutter, his eyes flashing a little in anger before he took a breath to calm himself down. He'd always had a problem with his father always bringing strange women over, no matter where they were. They'd been in the middle of the Sahara Dessert one time, and he [i]still[/i] managed to find one, some tribeswoman that had been passing by. Though it was thanks to her that they didn't die in that stupid place, he still found his father's womanizing t be annoying, especially when his father seemed to not give a single shit about Xavier's mother. To his dad she had just been 'one in a million', a woman he'd slept without a second thought and had decided to leave him with the result. His dad ad told him that as soon as he was old enough to comprehend it, and he'd be lying if he said that it didn't hurt, it had hurt a lot. And he knew exactly what happened to her as well, thanks to his gift. He knew that she was living somewhere in Maine with another family, with half-siblings he'd never see, married to a man who was everything his dad wasn't, and looking completely happy. It tore at his soul every time he thought abut it. So wrapped up in his thoughts, he didn't notice his eyes were watering until they had already started to fall, but he was quick to dry his eyes when he did. [color=f26522]"Sorry, it's . . . a rather touchy subject for me,"[/color] Xavier put his arm down as he took another deep breath before turning back to Katja, [color=f26522]"Also, a drawing would be nice and I'd very much appreciate one, if you don't mind."[/color] [@Evil Snowman] [@Ionion]