A WIP. I need to figure out what sort of weapons I want to have, as well as decide if I have any notable other skills. And of course I need to find an image I'm happy with... but otherwise I think I'm almost done. EDIT: character sheet completed. [hider] [center][img]http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae34/FrumiousAbelardo/RP%20Shit/663441_zps12c5b306.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Victor James Title: [color=9e0b0f]Bloodletter[/color] Age: 19 Sex: Male Backstory: Victor was not cast aside by his family when they saw his shoulder emblazoned with the sign of the Hunters. They had wanted a son, and they were not going to simply cast him aside because of this cryptic nonsense. They had no serviceable explanation for why he was born with such a symbol if not for the esoteric notions of Fraternity brotherhood, but they were not going to ignore the child for his markings--they would love him like they loved his older sisters. This noble effort of theirs did not last. Every peculiarity in Victor, which in another child would have been perhaps endearing, was scrutinized, and every time he did not get along with a neighborhood kid or one of his sisters, his parents would fret endlessly over him, warning him not to act out. It didn't take someone particularly sharp to see that Victor's parents thought he was odd. Victor himself, though, thought he was quite normal, and indeed he didn't seem particularly strange or occult to his neighbors. That unfortunately did not matter, as he was afraid of his parents' disapproval more than anything, and so he endeavored to be entirely unobjectionable and ordinary so as not to cause any unnecessary worry. In spite of his best efforts, it was simply not meant to be. His parents grew increasingly paranoid each day, and on days when they received news about something from the Dark, their fury was especially severe. They punished him for things he hadn't yet done, hadn't even planned to do; they feared acts of violence, acts that would draw out the innately grisly and malevolent nature of the Hunter. They beat him and didn't allow him outside or near his sisters. He ate alone. Through all of this, he never once acted out. He never once wanted to harm anyone. It wasn't in his nature to do something like that, and he thought perhaps the cursed mark on his shoulder was a mistake of astronomical proportions. Indeed it was from this mark that came all of his problems. His parents would not be hurting if not for that mark; he would not be alone if not for that mark. And so he spent most of his childhood cursing it, scratching at it and tearing the flesh until he thought he might have scratched it off forever--he never did manage that. One day, the floodgates were opened, as the saying goes, and all the pent-up negativity in Victor's home came rushing out. A burglar targeted their home, but was quickly confronted by Victor's father, a kitchen knife held threateningly in his hand. He told the burglar to leave, but it was never that simple. The burglar fought back and wrestled the knife from his father's hands. With a knife to Victor's father's throat, the burglar demanded as many of the family's valuables as he could carry. His mother and sisters were quick to comply, but something stirred in Victor, a primal rage he had never felt before. This man was targeting his family, his loved ones, his happiness--this man was completely unforgivable. Seeing his father's life hanging so precariously in the balance, he wondered what it was he suffered for. If his father were to die, what would it mean for Victor, who suffered his whole life in the hopes that his father would one day accept him? To threaten to steal that away was unforgivable. With a guttural scream, he charged the burglar. The man was slow with surprise, not expecting that sort of sound from a young child. He also could not have possibly expected the child's strength; no one there could have. The burglar was thrown off his feet and, straddling his chest, pinning him to the ground, Victor began to pummel the man with his fists until they turned red. When he finally stopped, the man scarcely drew breath. His mother clutched his sisters' heads against her so they couldn't see, and she herself stared at Victor aghast. He didn't understand. That night his family told him to leave. They couldn't live with him--they were afraid. Victor was confused. Had he not done this for them? Was this not an act of love, of kindness? But they wouldn't listen to him, they wouldn't accept that he was their flesh and blood any longer, and Victor was cast into the streets. He lived there alone for many years until by chance he saw a Hunter. He didn't know what else he was supposed to do, so he showed the Hunter the mark on his shoulder, identifying him as one of their own. Aspect of the Hunter: [color=9e0b0f]Bloodletter[/color] -- When Victor consumes blood, he gains increased regeneration, endurance, and bloodlust. Drinking the blood of a creature of the Dark temporarily grants him some of their abilities and weaknesses. It is unknown what would happen if he were to drink the blood of another Hunter. Stats: Strength – B Vitality – A Skill – C Knowledge – D Bloodlust – C Darkness – B Skills: -- Inventory: Two knives, a large axe, a small lantern. [/hider]