This is where I had to choose. Anto Radic, the former Serbian mafia man was also on my radar. Someone texted him that afternoon setting up a meeting tonight near the outskirts of town. If Radic was back in the criminal life then this would give me a good idea on who he's working for and what their plan is. Of the two assignments, what I was asking Dick is the most dangerous at first glance. For all I knew Radic could have been picking up a crate of fish for delivery. If this lead turned out to be nothing while I'm asking a teenager to square off with a crew of armed mobsters... "I'm going with you." A few keystrokes on the computer and Toots' crew and all their personal information was in front of us. "Toots has five men in his crew, every single one of them will be armed. If we want to take them down before it's too late we need to work together to do it."