[h1][u]Contest #9 - The Cursed Few[/u][/h1] [b]Judge:[/b] Agent B52 [b]Type:[/b] Character creation/world building [b]Deadline:[/b] Sunday, May 10th Named Grimm. Beasts of legend, beings so foul their darkness stood out among the black hordes, that which mothers scare their children with. These Grimm should [u]not[/u] be on the same level of the chaff that we fight on a day to day basis. These should be the other side of the coin to the hunters of legend like Gilgamesh. It could be historical Grimm that performed some legendary act of destruction (Defiler of Arras, Breacher), it could be that one Grimm that has survived for centuries and has the scars to prove it (Old One Eye, Lord of the Deep) or it could even be the name for a particular group of Grimm where the members are not necessarily named themselves (Chorus of Despair, The Eclipse). Explain how these Grimm got their name, show some of their most notorious acts and give a brief overview of what is known of them. There is no cap on word count for this contest, nor is there a particular format required, so long as the points outlined above are addressed. I hope all entries will be made canon (Lug has the final say on that though) and subsequently show up in game. Just keep in mind the intent behind this contest. Remember what these things stand for. These Grimm will be more than just a name drop, they will be an utterly terrifying encounter for the characters involved. [u]These are the Grimm that have 'flee on sight' orders attached for new hunters.[/u] Do. Not. Take. Them. Lightly.