[quote=@RainbowReindeer] [hider=Lebelont][hider=Appearance][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0e/1a/58/0e1a58a54ba60dbf7e5350482f7a3c4f.jpg[/img] Lebelont stands at 6'2''. He has muscled and there are a few mighty scars he bears on his body. His skin is lightly tanned from the many hours spent toiling under the sun. He has bright blond hair that sticks out everywhere (His bed-heads are incredibly hilarious) and fierce sky blue eyes that matches his spirit. [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Lebelont Askeladd [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Weapon specialty:[/b] Spears [b]Personality:[/b] Boisterous and aggressive, Lebelont will always be that guy who charges in head first. He is driven by the desire to achieve, so many of his decisions will be influence either on the opportunity to improve or to prove his existing skills. While he may come across as hot-headed and dim-witted, Lebelont's passion makes up for it. He has a very powerful presence and mind, something that will only translate into power as he continues to learn. Lebelont knows he has a long way to go before he becomes the best Craftknight. [b]Bio:[/b] Lebelont is the son of village head. He is the second oldest of his four siblings, not including Altea. If there was one thing that could describe Lebelont, it's 'Mama's boy'. Of course Altea came along and then momma was all doting on Altea and maybe Lebelont got a bit jealous. However, he knew Altea was a good person and pretty darn strong too. Lebelont has always seen Altea as his equal and has probably grown most attached to her compared to all of his other siblings. (Mostly because Altea shared the same dream as him.) While Lebelont originally wanted to learn how to wield and create a long sword, his small stature at 14 would discourage him. It was then when his father jokingly told him to take up the spear instead. His head filled with cool spear technique names, Lebelont bothered the local blacksmith to teach him to make a spear. He was rejected many times before his persistence paid off. After that, he started to grow taller and taller. However, Lebelont is still sticking with his trusty spear. [See more at Altea's bio.][/hider] [hider=Altea][hider=Appearance][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/hirunakanoryuusei/images/1/1e/SamejimaProfile.png/revision/latest?cb=20150214233506[/img] Altea stands at 5'9''. She is also muscled but more of the 'lean' side. Her skin is lightly spotted with freckles and is slightly tan as well, if not a more darker color compared to Lebelonts'. Her body is a canvas of scars and burns that tells a story of hard work and dedication towards her craft. Altea keeps her chocolate brown hair in a messy bun and has cloudy gray eyes.[/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Altea Askeladd [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Weapon specialty:[/b] Glaives [b]Personality:[/b] Altea is an amiable person who keeps her feelings locked away. She speaks and laughs freely, and is known to be brutally honest and ever-enduring. However, Altea does not form attachments easily. To those who manage to worm their way inside her heart, expect lots of shy love. Altea may seem a bit meek at first but she is in fact very cunning and quick-on her feet. She shares a fiery passion with her brother to also become one of the best Craftknights. [b]Bio:[/b] Altea's real surname is Mereski. Her mother died when she was young, leaving young Altea to fend for herself. Her father was a Craftknight who was never home because he was out travelling to rural places where wild summon beasts ruined farms and killed people. Unfortunately, he vanished and was presumed dead. With no parents, the head of her village (Lebelont's father), took Altea in as it was his duty to take in young children until they turned 18. However, Lebelont's mother, who never had any daughters took Altea as one of her own children. Thus began Altea's real childhood that was filled with love. She was given a place to call home - a mother and a father who stayed home to raise his children the right way. Altea met Lebelont when she was 10 years old and Altea found herself slowly drawn to the tiny little boy. Lebelont, fondly called Lebie at the time, would always spout off some random nonsense about becoming the best Craftknight. His parents and other siblings would just scoff at him. Altea knew it was a far-fetched dream, nevertheless, she found her own heart wanting to become a Craftknight like her father. When Altea found Lebelont being beaten by some boys one day, she promptly kicked their butts and helped Lebelont stand up. Little Lebie thanked her and then challenged her to a duel right off the bat. "I'll beat you Altea!" Lebie would shriek in his unusual high voice. And she would beat up Lebie too. The following years, Altea and Lebelont would duel each other during their free time. At seventeen, their battle statistics amounted to this: 4023 clashes; 1540 wins to Altea, 1539 wins to Lebelont, and 944 draws. While their dueling matches could be seen as playful, their clashes eventually shaped how the two fought in the future. Plus, little Lebie was no longer little - much to Altea's disappointment. During those good years, Altea learned from a nearby village's blacksmith who specialized in glaives. Eventually, she would surpass her teacher so she left for Degar with Lebelont when he turned 18.[/hider] [/quote] They sound great!- I especially like Altea c: please move them into the Character section when you can [quote=@FernStone] Would you like the character sheets posted here before being moved to the character tab? [/quote] Yes please. Once they are approved they can be moved to the character tab.