[center][h2]Estelle Marie Forrester | "Little Star"[/h2] [hider=Appearance][img]http://cur.glitter-graphics.net/pub/3391/3391886jsn31ed33t.jpg[/img] Standing at a mere 4'8, Estelle is rather short for her age as well as petite and slender. Her hair tumbles well past her waist that she keeps back in a braid.[/hider] Age 16 | Female [b][u]+Genre/Tribe+[/u][/b] Estelle hails from the tribe [b][u]Wind Dancers[/u][/b] which is a mix of classical and hip-hop. They are located on the wide plains of Caesura where the wind sings to them. However, they tend to not stay in one place and instead follow wherever the wind choses to take them. They are much like gypsies in that way. They value nature above all else and believe that there is a spirit in everything. Basically it sounds like [url=https://youtu.be/aHjpOzsQ9YI]this[/url]. [b][u]+Instrument/Weapon+[/u][/b] She wields a violin that when she plays she can control the four elements. However, she has to be focused when she does this or there is a possibility of the elements turning on her and causing her harm. [u][b]+Personality+[/b][/u] Generally a quiet girl, Estelle normally fades into the background. She is the kind of person who prefers to take the pictures, not be in them. She is usually a very passive and kind person. Being as sensitive as she is, she does not like violence and tries to avoid any and all conflict. She is an easy-going person and very agreeable. She tends to blurt a lot of things out without realizing it or thinking about her words. She also gets embarrassed and flustered way too easily; often blushing and hiding her face. She is somewhat of a klutz, managing to trip over her own feet more often than not. However, she can be very stubborn if she feels like it. She also puts others needs before her own and in most cases she reacts without thinking of her own well-being: if someone is being hurt, Estelle will immediately try and protect them with any means possible without even considering herself. A decent cook, Estelle is wary around knifes from the time she almost took her thumb off when chopping vegetables for dinner. She is a night owl and not much of a morning person. She can be very OCD when it comes to certain things. Having never had a boyfriend or even kissed a member of the opposite sex before, she is painfully clueless about the romance world. She is also considered a book worm and is normally seen with a book in front of her nose. The results of her quiet nature lead her to not having friends because of how shy and flustered she becomes around others. Generally, Estelle only ever talks if she is either spoken to. Other than that she stays quiet. However, just because she is not participating in the conversation, doesn't mean she isn't paying attention; rather, she is choosing to listen and learn. [u][b]+Bio+[/b][/u] Her father was born to a hip-hop tribe while her mother came from a more classical tribe. They were both kindred spirits and thus could never stay in one place for very long. They each ventured into the world on a adventure and when they meet it was love at first sight. The two tribes had no quarrel with the union though there were a few who frowned upon it. However her parents disappeared together and soon created a tribe that brought together the two music genres. Estelle was born a year later and is living happily with her parents as they travel. [u][b]+Other+[/b][/u] ~ Estelle is terrified of the dark, storms, or loud noises in general. ~ When she becomes nervous she has a habit of fidgeting with her hair. ~Even The Gods Need A Good Roadie~[/center]