[center] [b][i][u]Character Sheet[/u][/i][/b] [b]Name[/b] Jokhem Bars L.P. short for Laser Pixel [b]Age[/b] 20 [b]Appearance[/b] [IMG]https://darkxperience.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/animeboy.jpg[/img] [Color=Turquoise]"Even The Gods Need A Good Roadie, so why not let the son of dubstep be the one."[/color] [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Genre/Tribe[/b] The Summit tribe is a somewhat large group of people who warship the gods of dubstep. They are very hard to handle in various situations and are commonly confused with their relatives the Techno Tribes. The people of Summit are hard core partiers. They're probably one of a few genres that allows its people to mix it's culture with any other genre of music. Summit is settled around a mountain and has the characteristics of a high tech or futuristic city. The people of Summit are known for having the ability to control neon particles and implement them into weapons. [b]Instrument/Weapon[/b] [Img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/saintsrow/images/d/d0/SRIV_Special_-_Dubstep_Gun_-_Pop_Star_-_Default.png/revision/latest?cb=20131029215323[/img] The Dubstep Gun: Jokhem normally calls the gun noodles for some odd reason. When the trigger is pulled neon beams of light is fired from the weapon. The fire rate of the gun is similar to a machine gun. Also when activated and fired dubstep music is played. [b]Personality[/b] Jokhem is spontaneous and loves to express his love for dubstep. He rarely gets angry and is probably the first person to get on your nerves. Jokhem also likes to learn about different genres of music to perfect his dubstep remixes of each genre. He's stronge spirited and always ready to dive into a battle. On his free time hr likes to play music by himself or pleases a surrounding person to play music with him. [b]Bio[/b] Jokhem was born into a full blooded dubstep family. His family was never hostile and welcomed anyone from any genre of music to join their growing nation. Although this lead to many battles like the battle of Dreams and the battle of Bangarang. Jokhem family suffered many losses but ranged victorious with the creation of the dubstep gun. With his new achieved weapon Jokhem went on to defeating his families enemies and bringing Summit back to peace. Now he roams the land in hopes of settling down and probably starting a band. [b]Other[/b] Jokhem likes candy and coffee. [/center]