[hider=Tal][hider=Appearance] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/220/0/3/warrior_2_by_wlop-d2c8vrv.jpg[/img] Tal stands at around 5'6". You could not describe her as slim, but she is not overweight either. She is reasonably strong, especially her arms. Her hair is long and a dark brown, often tied back, though shorter strands often fall over her dark brown eyes. Her skin is a dusty brown tan in colour and mostly unblemished, though her hands and arms have a few visible rope burns.[/hider] Name: Aletta 'Tal' Rilynn Age: 17 Gender: Female Weapon specialty: [hider=Bow][img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/330/3/5/black_shard_by_shadowdragon22-d5m7fcz.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: Aletta is a reasonably quiet person, tending to stay calm and level headed and going about unnoticed. This isn't to say that she dislikes people, in fact she prefers to spend time around others. She just has a tendency to say very little. She is generally quite a collected person, one to think through her actions rather than rush into something. She is a good team player, but has a tendency to follow along with others a bit too much. Bio: Born to a relatively well off family in Degar, Tal is the youngest of three. With an older brother to inherit and an older sister to be married into another family she was always somewhat reduntant. She was rather close to her older brother and it was him who first taught her to use a bow. She had a natural talent with this kind of weapon, and quickly worked on honing this skill. It was something her parents never particularly approved of. She began to learn how to craft bows only a few years ago, liking the idea of making her own. Against her parents' wishes she went more and more down a path that would lead her to craft and use these weapons for a living. Now she has decided pursue a goal she has secretly harboured for a long time; to become a Craftknight[/hider] [hider=Sai][hider=Appearance] [img] http://pre04.deviantart.net/bb6f/th/pre/i/2015/090/6/0/lenia_design_by_wlop-d8nu588.jpg[/img] Sai stands at around 5'2" and is rather short and slender, verging on skinny, with reasonable curves. She has raw muscles and numerous scars scattered about her body. Her skin is fair and her red hair often left loose. Her hazel eyes are often cold, and judging. [hider=Armour][img] http://pre00.deviantart.net/f250/th/pre/i/2015/122/2/f/burning_rose_design_2_by_wlop-d8ruapw.jpg[/img] Her armour is made out of leather, mostly.[/hider][/hider] Name: Sairse 'Sai' (Unknown Surname) Age: 19 Gender: Female Weapon specialty: [hider=Dagger][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/105/c/0/Sinaa__s_Dagger_by_Aikurisu.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: A rather harsh person, Sairse has little tolerance for those she views as weak. She has a raw intelligence and cunning though she has been untaught and has never truly learnt to read or write. Her trust and respect are both things that are difficult to gain, and in general she is unlikely to like people she has only just met. However she is a rather confident person, somewhat flirtatious and headstrong. She has little regard for others feelings and will speak her mind whether it is hurtful or not. Above all she is a survivor, and will do what she can to stay alive. Bio: Born in the capital, to a poorly mother who died within four years and an unknown father Sairse has spent most of her life looking out for herself. The only thing she possessed of her father was a dagger left as a gift for her mother. Sai was young when her mother died and with little to do she forced to take to the streets. Here she was taken under the wing of a few other children such as herself and learnt to put her knives to good use, and the natural agility and speed she had been born with. She learned to defend herself and survive where there was no place for the weak. She became a rather skilled thief, something that she still views as useful. Her life changed somewhat when she made an attempt to steal from a blacksmith, a dagger that caught her attention. However she wasn't quite good enough to get out with it. The blacksmith took pity in the young girl, only twelve at the point, and decided to take her in. It was from him that she learnt to craft the weapon she had grown to love and honed her skills more, though she still felt the urge to steal. After five years learning from the blacksmith she left in the night. While she was grateful for what she had been taught she had no wish to make that her future. For two years she travelled from town to town, until now she has reached Degar.[/hider]