[center] [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/197/5/6/cute_anime_girl_by_luhh9878-d6dqhck.png[/img] Name [color=#00FF40][i]"My name is Ariana 'Ari' Drake"[/i][/color] Age [color=#00FF40][i]"I am 18! Finally an adult!"[/i][/color] Gender [color=#00FF40][i]"Obviously I am a Female"[/i][/color] Genre/Tribe [color=#00FF40][i]"My Tribe... well..... here's the thing.... it's kind of a weird tribe... So we are basically a giant group of outcasts. We belong to many different music genres. We worship the god of music. No god of a specific genre, just the god of music. I slightly lean towards pop but I enjoy other genres too. To other tribes we are known as Sensus Pertinendi. Other tribes think of us as a legend, just another fairytale... we are very much real but we prefer to stay neutral only helping if it is highly necessary. That's all you need to know."[/i][/color] Instrument/Weapon [color=#00FF40][i]"I have a microphone that can transform into a katana known as the yin-yang katana. It has shadows and lights surrounding it. With the sword I manipulate those two elements. I can manipulate them while I sing too, depending if the song is sad or happy."[/i][/color] Personality [color=#00FF40][i]"I've been told that I am very bubbly, outgoing, feisty, caring, helpful, flirty(at times) and protective. My father(adopted) says there is much more to me but he never goes into detail"[/i][/color] Bio [color=#00FF40][i]"I was a child born into a metal clan. My parents and my older brother were both metal followers. But as I grew up I found that I was interested in other genres.... Well.... let's just say that at the age of 5 I was left in the middle of nowhere by my parents. They told me that they'd tell everyone that I died since I was basically as good as dead. I was found close to death by the tribe Sensus Pertinendi. The elder took me in as his own child. Raised me to appreciate all music. At the age of 13 I was gifted my microphone. From that day forward I helped my adoptive father with the tribe while also looking into finding my parents and my brother... Axle Drake..."[/i][/color] Other [color=#00FF40][i]"My ex-father always used to tell me,[/i] [/color]'Even Gods need a Groupie'[color=#00FF40][i]"[/i] [i]Pompeii ~ Bastille = My Theme Song as chosen by my father(adopted) OOOH! ALSO I LOVE LOVE LOVE DANCING WHILE SINGING!!!!!!![/i] [/color] [/center]