[center][img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Carnage27/comic_marvel_now_wolverine_cornell_zps08a8ea6e.jpg[/img][/center] "What's up, Chuck?" Logan asked as he took a seat in front of the Professor's desk, kicking his feat up. Charles Xavier was the greatest man Logan had ever met. He had done more for the mutant people than anyone that had ever taken a breath, and more importantly, he always had treated Logan with respect, even if the Wolverine didn't think he deserved it. Chuck knew everything that Logan had done in his time during the Weapon X program, and all Charles told him was that it was now Logan's time to make it right. And that's what he's been trying to do with his time here. "How many times do I have to tell you about putting your feet on my desk, Logan?" he asked with fake exasperation in his voice. The two of them often ribbed one another in their exchanges, and it seemed like this time it would be no different. "And what's up is nothing, much to my chagrin." "Still no movement on the Brotherhood?" Logan sighed. "None at all," Xavier wheeled his chair over to the window, peering out intently. "I've scanned the globe with Cerebro multiple times, but have found no trace of Erik, Scott, or Alex." Cerebro, the machine that allowed Charles to scan the earth for the mutants, was the X-Men's one ray of hope in this fight against the reformed Brotherhood. It gave them the ability to find and track the Brotherhood members. At least that's what they figured. Unfortunately Charles had been unable to get a trace on them so far. Erik Lehnsherr, better known as Magneto, had helped Charles build the device, so maybe he had also found a way to block the signals it produces. "So where do we go from here? We don't have the time or manpower to perform a search." "Not at all," Xavier shook his head. "Erik will show himself soon. It's his way. For the meantime I think we should focus on the Purifiers and where they're getting their significant backing." "You know I'm all for that." The Purifiers had long been a thorn in Logan's side. They were the ones that had killed Jean's parents and countless other mutants he had tried to ferry to safety during the Purifier Attacks in the late 80s. When they reemerged Logan had luckily been with the X-Men and had a way to strike back at the racist bastards, but they had weapons and armor more advanced than he had ever seen before. Where they got it had been bothering him since the first clash with the New Purifiers. "The quicker we shut them down the quicker I can get a good night of sleep." "As would I," Charles agreed. "I'm going to send you and Storm on a fact finding mission with a friend of mine in SHIELD. You'll leave in the morning."