Yuriha was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't even noticed that she had arrived at the market, much less that someone was following her, until a clerk greeted her. "Welcome, Miss Yuri...ha, we got some new samples that you might like. Want to try some?" Despite the fact that the twenty and something young man still couldn't say her foreign sounding name right without stuttering, even when Yuriha has been a regular here for a few months, he always greeted her with a genuine smile whenever she came by and saved some of the samples of new sweets just for her to try, which made her very happy to have chosen this place over any other. [color=cyan]"Hmm... thank you!"[/color] Yuriha said as she picked up the bite sized treat and put it on her mouth. [color=cyan]"!"[/color] She had to consciously will her ears and tails to remain hidden when the small candy began to melt on her mouth, otherwise, they would have perked in reaction to the sudden jolt of pleasure that she felt. [color=cyan]"What's this?"[/color] She asked the man after finishing the rest of it. "It's a kind of sweet our manager came across on his last trip to the Amazon jungle, he likes to fancy being an adventurous arqueologist, you know? There was even that time when he swore to have seen a being the locals call Iara, she's somekind of river mermaid, you see? Can you really believe it? A grown up man who still believes that supernatural beings exist... ha, what a joke! Anyway, this candy for sure is real, and it's made from 100% wild local ingredients. No man as had a hand in cultivating them and they say that those candies are really good to your health, even an aphro..." The clerk stopped short of telling a teenager girl that the candies were actually aphrodisiac too as it was not something someone of her age should know, or care about. A few minutes later, "Thank you for your patronage!" the clerk said as Yuriha left the market carrying two bags full of pretty much nothing but sweets, including a pack of those Amazonian candies and a box of deluxe chocolat that Yuriha intended to give to Hecate as an apology for being so rude earlier. However, on her way back, Yuriha noticed a few black feathers scattered on the ground in a trail that would lead directly to their house. At first she thought that it were just some random bird, probably some crows, but then she felt a really strong magical power coming from a park not too far way from where she was, and instinctively knew that her master was in somekind of danger. [color=cyan]"Zeke-sama!"[/color] was all she said after looking around to confirm that ther wasn't any other person on the street, it was already beginning to get really dark after all, casting away her disguise, she ran as fast as she could in the towards the source of the power, even if she wasn't as fast as Hecate still no human could run as fast as she was. [color=cyan][i]"Actually, it's much more fun someone who doesn't believe that we exist"[/i][/color] Yuriha though remembering the clerk's words, indeed, the modern humans had a lot to learn about the beings that crawled in the shadows of their society. Even with all of her power focused on running as fast as she could, when Yuriha arrived at the park Zeke was already shacking the hand of a boy she had never seen before and the source of the magical power had already disappeared.