Zodin began to sweat as he sat in the sun watching the performer juggle fire. Almost half an hour as past, the the younger fellow had brought in quite the loot. He decided to quit for the day and pack up, apologizing to the crowed of 4 who stood around him watching. Zodin decided he might as well leave too, and proceeded to get up from the crate. He stretched his back and arranged his clothes so they were comfortable again. Moments later, after coming to the realization that he wasn't distracting his mind anymore, the words of his mysterious source had resurfaced from his subconscious. "Follow the patterns..." Zodin mumbled through his dry lips. Without a clear destination in mind he started to wander. Zodin started to think of all the places in which he should start looking. He unintentionally started to think out loud as he wandered the sstreets of the coast lined town. "I've already deducted that the avatar would be somewhere in the Fire nation, since the previous avatar was of Earth origin. Where in the fire nation exactly, is hard to say. If only I could have some sort of connection in the fire nation, that way I could at least of some stable ground and a lead if I [i] did[/i] enter the fire nation." Zodin realized he was talking out loud when he past a small crowed of boys who were kicking a ball in the street. The ball had rolled of the "field" and hit the side of Zodin's leg. Zodin hesitated when deciding if he should kick the ball back...He decided not to, and continued walking. "I guess I will never find a lead or someone who can act as my connection to the world of underground information unless I actually travel to the fire nation." Zodin pondered some more on the topic. Zodin was no bounty hunter, but he did know how to squeeze information out of people, one or another. "It's decided, I leave for the fire nation at the break of dawn. Low sunlight, low foot traffic, and anybody who [i]is[/i] awake, will be too tired to bother with me." Feeling accomplished with his basic plan, he walked towards the inn for a reservation. "It's getting cluody, might as well wasted the day at the bar."