NEW BEGINNING FOR THE NEW YEAR!! TL;DR If you came to this thread to learn a little more about me, well pull up a seat friend and let me tell you a tale. I started roleplaying at the ripe age of 11. This was long long long ago (1997) in the land of Rhy’Din. Roleplaying then was chaotic and required little to no responsibility. God moding was the norm and people who built up stats for dice had to keep floppy disks of their logs to prove their stats. Floppy Disks. I still have mine. I know there are those that think, 11? You must have been horrible! I was. I wanted all my characters to be unique and amazing, which tended to make them cliché and flat. For years I spent countless nights hiding from my mom in the computer room with a blanket wrapped around myself and my tower for warmth and privacy. It changed who I was. Maybe it was the cancer and electronic magic that leaked from my computer into my bloodstream. Maybe it was the violence and sexuality that I was writing about before I had experienced it myself. I was exposed to personality types that many would argue a child shouldn’t, but more importantly I was exposed to people who didn’t judge my writing as something coming from a child. I was treated as a peer. I made friends with people who pushed me to be better. I also became completely enamored with writing as a means of expression, a means of connection and most importantly, as a lifelong hobby. I went on to graduate with a degree in creative writing. I’ve dabbled in table top and quite a few creative projects. My dream job would be to help write lore for video games, but for now rpg is one of my main outlets . I truly believe that the existence of roleplayerguild is something worth fighting for. I want younger people to experience literature hands on, the way that I did. All the stories every told and never told become something interactive, and this does not simply apply to books. Video games, movies, comic books, television shows, everything….all just ideas waiting for you to embellish.