[center][img]http://livedoor.4.blogimg.jp/kinisoku/imgs/2/b/2b13ad13-s.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs4/i/2004/213/5/3/Espeon_Leap.png[/img] XxLyraxX Arabella Finch 16 Female ~ Can shift into her feline form and her human form ~ She can control the elements air and ice ~ She can move objects with her mind ~ She can "see" her environment by using a form of echo location but it doesn't always work + If she uses her powers too much she gets severe headaches and nosebleeds. + Her powers can easily be controlled by her emotions so she has a hard time controlling them + She is blind Arabella is extremely loyal to the people she trust though she is very wary of strangers. She is very kind and is willing to help anybody in need. She is embarrassed and flustered easily and she blushes rather easily. She tries not to let her blindness get the better of her and she tries to be independent.[/center]