[@Drake Baku] I agree with DJAtomika and breathing_towers_to_hell, your character is way over powered. If a person like that was actually part of the Resistance, they would have won the "war" long ago. However, that actually does not bother me quite as much (but it [i]does[/i] bother me) as the fact that your sheet has so bad grammar and punctuation that I could barely make out what you were tryng to write. Also, capital letters. Your sheet is actually just generally messy, too. And I'd like for you to slap it in a hider. Clean it up, fix the grammar and punctuation and, for goodness sake, use some capital letters and I'll give it a real review. .:EDIT:. Oh, and eyes changing color depending on mood (or in general) is calle "chameleon eyes". I only know this because mine do it. It's hella annoying. [@ayzrules][@dreamingflowers] Please slap your sheets into hiders adn let me know when they're done so I can review them.