[hider=About me and my requirements] Hey there! I figured I'd stick this in a hider to cut down on the wall of text. Anyway, feel free to call me Crimson or Kay if you'd like. I'm in my 20s, and I've been roleplaying for about 10 years. I think I write at a high casual to advanced level, for reference. Rules: [list] [*] Please be alright with mature content. This could very well end up 18+, and I do plan on there being some violence and gore involved. [*] Please be literate! I realize most of you are, but I'm looking for someone (or a few people) who can really get into developing the world I have in mind. I would prefer 2-3 paragraph posts, but more would also be welcome. I also would hope you have a decent grasp of spelling and grammar. Everyone makes mistakes, though, so I'm willing to overlook small ones. [*] Please be somewhat active. I can do one post a day on average, but I might be able to do more if inspired. There might be days when I forget or just don't feel up to replying as well, so please bear with me if that happens. I promise I'll do the same! [*] Please be alright with playing more than one character. I think doubling would work well if we're doing this one on one. Having side characters is also a must. [*] Please be alright with doing this via PM. I just prefer that since it's easier to keep track of. [/list] [/hider] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NFLLl3J.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]The reason for their emergence was unknown. Perhaps a ritual raised them, or perhaps it was just time for their slumber to end. Some called them Titans, and others Old Gods. They were ancient, and too powerful to defeat. Civilizations crumbled, the great cities of mankind burning to the ground. Humanity survived, forming nomadic bands or hiding away in remote places of the world. Some worshipped the behemoths roaming the land, offering up ritual sacrifices to appease them. Through such efforts, some cities were rebuilt. However, most humans remained scattered, fighting for survival.[/i][/center] [hr] [hr] We will play a group of humans as they go about their daily struggles. Will this take place right in one if the cultists cities? Will we be a ragtag bunch of nomads? Will we be merely content to deal with the current state of the world, or will we seek to change it? This can take place in a more historical setting, perhaps in a fantasy land with magic and what to. Or, we can opt for a setting where humanity has been knocked back to the dark ages by their return. I do plan on having the gods be able to die, so it's not an impossible struggle if we go that route. [b]If you're interested, please shoot me a PM![/b]