Finley watched the male shift and smirked softly. She examined the Stoney figure and then looked back to the female who seemed all too excited to get to fight. She watched the girl lunch and throw punched that would have sent Finley doing flips across the campus, but the rocky male didn't budge. When the female stood back up after being thrown away from the fight, Finley watched shake off her bruised knuckles like they were paper cuts. [i]Remind me never to get in a fight with her.."[/i] Finley shook her head to answer the female's question of if Finley wanted to join. Fighting was something Finley only did in defense or when she had no other option. She gestured toward the stone man, "He's all yours." Finley sat down and crossed her legs right where she was, content on watching the fight ensue with front row seats. [@TheHangedMan]