Several weeks had passed since the random Hype attack in Nathan Phillips Square. When the Hype had been rendered unconscious the police were able to move in with those who assisted with the arrest quickly departed from the scene. The sickly Hype had later died in custody, his fever reaching record highs as he nearly took the whole police station with him in a gravitational swell. Since that day several other Hypes with similar symptoms had sprung up throughout the city and almost each time caused as much mayhem and panic as the first. Unable to risk any more devastation or loss of civilian lives, H.E.L.P. had been forced to order a quarantine over Toronto. Calling in several squads of S.H.I.F.T. agents, H.E.L.P. wasn't allowing anyone to enter the city and those already instead were forced to stay there. Patrols constantly circled the outside of the area to discourage anyone from trying to escape and endanger the rest of the country with the strange disease. From his apartment, Zeke stared down at the streets below. Empty despite the great weather for late October, Zeke could hardly believe this had happened. His home was essentially under a police state now and the only people truly at risk were Hypes like him. Shaking his head, he growled before kicking his coffee table over and flopping down in his recliner. Zeke had been cooped up for at least the past two weeks and was beginning to go stir crazy in the small one bedroom apartment. The glare of the descending sun on his TV screen gave the young man the urge to go take part in the night life as he decided to get dressed. After a quick shower and finding some clothes that at least smelled somewhat fresh, Zeke grabbed his jacket and headed downstairs. Climbing onto his motorcycle, he gunned the engine and headed for the closest club. Even when the end of the world could possibly be around the corner, it wouldn't stop people from throwing their money away for alcohol and the loose promise of no strings attached sex he noted as the club was perhaps livelier than he had ever seen it before. Strobe lights flashed from the dance floor as Zeke pushed his way towards the bar, finally making it he grabbed a stool and waved to the bartender. [color=39b54a]"What'll it be bud?"[/color] [color=004b80]"Rye and ginger, double shot."[/color] Zeke called over the music as he turned to scope the crowd.