"I'm sorry, Zeke-sama, I was just buying some..." Yuriha stuttered a little, unable to find the right words, but then continued "supplies, I guess?" She said blushing, knowing that it was an obviously childish lie. "It was my fault for not noticing the fallen, I had my guard down for a little" Yuriha said while stealing a quick glance in Hecate's direction, she couldn't have been more conspicuous about the source of her distraction even if she wanted. "At least I got enough for everyone. I'm sure Moe-nee and the others will like it. Also..." She said while going trough her bags on search of the chocolaty she bought for Hecate. "I'm sorry for being rude earlier He..." She stuttered a little before finishing the phrase shyly "-chan?" The was a certain charm in being do blunt about her feelings, but certainly Yuriha wasn't aware of that. She them turned to the boy, based on what Zeke had said earlier and on the pool of blood on the ground, Yuriha understood that the source of the magical power that she had felt earlier was Zeke performing the ritual to turn the boy into one of his own servants. But there was another one that was even more powerful just a few moments ago, she wondered what happened to it, but soon have to on thinking about that. Zeke-sama was well and her family had gained a new member, so in her eyes everything was good. "I'm Yuriha,"she said to the boy while bowing courteously in a way that only a Japanese person would. "I'm happy that to have a new member in our family, please take care of me." "Can we go home now, Zeke-sama? If we stay put for this much time Moe-nee will scold is all." Yuriha asked while turning towards their house, sending that even now,Moena's glare was trained on them.