Ro would be up for field work rather than more theorizing and stuff. He don't care about school- school is all about teaching the theory behind this or that. Actually [i]doing[/i] something would be more appealing for him, rather than sitting in a room and brainstorming, with enough brainpower floating about to charge a battery. So yeah, he'd be in for going and scouting a bit- check to see if there are any adults, police, military, get some tools or weapons, grab his pups (aww de leetle pup-peh) Also, I had the majority of my first post up, just not the part where he interacts with anyone, but the people in my school's TIP room (the place where they monitor all the computers and all that) decided to whainaw and close my Firefox, which had a half-dozen tabs with both the WIP post for this roleplay, and for two/three others. Yay. fun.