==Zeke-Hecate== Zeke ignored the supplies comment, he already knew she had bought candy again.. "At least your safe, take better care next time" was all he said to her with a smile. - As Fox girl handed over the chocolate, Hecate grabbed it, she always loved chocolate. "When were you rude" She asked though it was more a statement then a question "thanks" - Zeke nodded when Yuriha asked if they could go "yes, lets, and do not worry I'll just say we went all out together" he grinned, it was funny how Yuriha always felt like Moena would scold, sure Moena would be worried but the way Yuriha acted, you would think Moena would be waiting them up with a frying pan ready to spank their buts old school. As the group exited the forest and starting to move back to their house, they had no idea that something was watching them, something that could hide its pressence even if it would right past you. "Just as I thought, thats the Valefor brat, this could be interesting"