[center] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/n3KLGXY.jpg[/IMG] [b]Esther Umholtz[/b] [b][u]Theme:[/u][/b] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCiRYDQfurw]Oh this song..[/url] [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] [i]Twenty years old.[/i] [b][u]Gender:[/b][/u] [i]Female[/i] [b][u]Nation of Origin:[/b][/u] [i]Kaien[/i] [u][b]Persona:[/b][/u] [i]Esther gives off the same protected, strong, noble aura that all fellow paladins do. She walks with her chin held high, she regards faith as most important in life, and is a fine example of the military infrastructure within Kaien as all paladins are. Though behind this facade is a hard-headed, shipwreck of a woman who enjoys battle and confrontation more than a drunk Thao after a breakup. Though on bad days she will most definitely get on your nerves, she does have her pros. Esther is a top tier paladin who knows her way around most types of magic, and enjoys spreading the knowledge like hot gossip, additionally she is very sweet when not angered or nagged. While most paladins of the holy church seem to be somber, humble, and serene, once you get to know this woman your image of what should be, and what is will be reinvented.[/i] [b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b] ⚥ [s][b]Marzanna[/b][/s] ⚥ [b]-[/b] [i]A large black spear with lots of history and stuff~[/i] [b]-[/b] [i]Marzanna is an enchanted weapon holding a spell able to be activated.[/i] [b]-[/b] [i]Esther talks to Marzanna like it's a person.[/i] ⚥ [s][b]Shining Raiment[/b][/s] ⚥ [i]The Umholtz bloodline has defended the Kaien people since the founding of the great holy empire. It is said that the first patriarch once saved a blacksmith's daughter from a great monster of the wilds while she collected herbs outside the city grounds. The smith offered his daughter's life to the paladin, as a servant or apprentice, whatever he deemed she be. But the patriarch refused, instead asking that the man repair his armor which had been damaged in the fight with the beast. Thankful of the man's humble request, the blacksmith prayed to his god asking for a single request, that the man's armor, and the armor of his descendants never blemish or ruin. And without a doubt the prayer was answered, the notorious Shining Raiments of Esther's family are said to be the strongest armor in Daear. While the armor is not indestructible, it's metal holds a regenerative ability that repairs itself upon being damaged. [/i] [b][u]Notable Magic:[/u][/b] ⚥ [s][b]Marzanna's Enchantment [/s]: [u]Effigy of War[/u][/b] ⚥ [b]-[/b] [i]Alongside Esther's skill in handling a spear in combat, Marzanna's enchantment allows her to alter the conditions of the battlefield [a small area 9 feet in diamater]. The conditions of the battlefield that she is able to alter are the following; Temperature, Self Positioning, and Terrain. The control she has over these three aspects make Esther a master duelist, however the enchantment is not able to be used on more than two targets including herself.[/i] ⚥ [s][b]Magic[/s] : [u]Law of Neutrality[/u][/b] ⚥ [b]-[/b] [i]A spell taught to paladins of the holy church in their last years of military training, in which a small rune is written upon the ground and upon activation creates a large magic-nullification field that disrupts low to mid class spells from being used within it's area. The field lasts several minutes long or until the rune is destroyed, it also does not effect Natural Arts and most Technology, however tech-magic hybrid and natural arts-magic hybrid abilities will be effected.[/i] ⚥ [s][b]Magic[/s] : [u]Divine Fervor[/u][/b] ⚥ [b]-[/b] [i]As servants of god, the church imbues it's soldiers with a blessing that empowers their natural physical ability. Though not entirely substantial, a little boost in stamina and strength allows Esther to fight her battles a little longer than average- and a little harder than average.[/i] [b][u]Additional Information:[/u][/b] [i]As a soldier of Kaien, Esther has knowledge of most rudimentary magic, though she'd rather just poke things with her spear than waste times shooting fireballs at her enemies. In the past Esther met a boy from Thao who had been orphaned after a small scale invasion outside of her city walls. His influence of Thao mindset and culture rubbed off on her greatly in her youth, causing her to sometimes stray from the levelheaded mindset that most paladins have.[/i] [b][u]Post Example:[/u][/b] [i]"Fall back! There's too many!" Esther screamed to the nearby soldiers, three had just ignored her and begun sprinting towards a hijacked golem thinking it would protect them. She grimaced as it carelessly grabbed two of them, before they could even react having their bodies crushed by stone hands and tossed aside. The lone soldier who witnessed this charged back towards Esther, screaming nonsense that was intangible, what was he saying? "I said fall back, you damn morons. Go find the medic, the defense mage should be holding up a barrier nearby!" ~Crash!~ An explosion nearby sent a fellow paladin flying towards a barricade rendering him unconscious. It came from a Donian who was firing some sort of missile launcher towards their direction, luckily a Thao brute quickly saw him as a threat impaling him with a large sword and tossing the corpse towards the grunts behind him who seemed to rabidly gawk at the lifeless body. "Esther, head back to the city something's up!" It was a messenger from the church, what was he doing on the battlefield. Though before I could ask him 'What for?' a strange spike fired from the distance knocking the bystander several feet away. Ally soldiers seemed to frantically run from enemies they had the advantage over, and some of our enemies did the same? What was going on? A voice screamed as three nations of soldiers systematically evacuated the area. "Monster! Run, head to the barricade!"[/i][/center]