[IMG]http://safebooru.org//images/128/789e7b2f60041975cf56f117380e4c238b5019ad.jpg?128217[/IMG] [url=http://1-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/tg/image/1344/20/1344205998688.jpg]His[/url] [url=http://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/Black_Knight.jpg/477295874/572x435/Black_Knight.jpg]equipment.[/url] [b]Name[/b]: [i]Tzu Che[/i], or alternatively [i]Chatsu[/i]. [b]Theme[/b]: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CSZlisCVH0&feature=kp]One Way Out[/url] [b]Age[/b]: 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nation of Origin[/b]: Thaos, though he’s now a mercenary at best and traitor at worst. [b]Persona[/b]: Core to Chatsu would be his solemn nature. He takes life seriously, perhaps a bit too seriously according to some, but that’s just the sort of person he is.Thankfully his attitude is largely directed at himself, so while he may not be the most fun companion to have, he’s rarely overbearing towards others. He’s also rather flexible in his interactions with others, willing to bend or compromise up to a reasonable degree. Despite of his large stature, just over two meters, and intimidating appearance, he doesn’t have the sort of presence otherwise that would make him influential to others; he’s rather quiet despite the steel behind his words, he doesn’t have the charisma to draw others in, nor inspire them. All in all, he’s a rather solitary and independent individual if given the choice. It’s rare to see Chatsu outside of his armor, but during the odd times where he’s free to slip out of the equipment his disposition does ease up somewhat. Yet, he does become more easily irritable when he’s out of armor, not willing to put up with as much as he might normally. [b]Equipment[/b]: [i]Greatsword[/i] - At about four and a half feet in length with a ratio three to one for blade to handle, the weapon is quite a sight to behold. While there is enough room to handle it with both hands, Chatsu generally wields it with one hand despite its absurd weight. The force behind each swing is substantial and devastating due to its mass, but in his hands it handles like a short sword, quick and fluid. [i]Shield[/i] - Solid and heavy, this piece is about four and a half feet long and two and a half feet across. The metal is thick, thicker than wooden shields in some places in fact, making it impossible for any normal person to wield it effectively. It does make for an excellent piece for Chatsu though, whose enormous strength allows him to maneuver it effectively and even utilize it offensively. [i]Heavy Plate[/i] - A suit of layered armor, the metal plates often cover one another, resulting in a two-fold thickness at minimum in most places. Although the various pieces are built to withstand blows, it is not a full suit and thus allows for a range of motion even at the cost of some defensive capabilities.The blackened metal, with its dulled engravings, and large size only add to Chatsu's intimidating presence. [b]Ability/Magic[/b]: [i]Titan’s Heritage - Blood Inheritance[/i]: For one reason or another, Chatsu was born with what could be called a Natural Body, an occurrence that allowed for the almost flawless circulation of his internal energy from birth. The result is a body of a monster in the form of a man, far surpassing what the average person is capable of by simple virtue of being. The amount of energy required to constantly circulate within and infuse the body hints at a capacity that is incredibly massive. Yet such a form is not without its drawbacks. The constant circulation of internal energy has made the body dependant, and the loss or disruption of the flow will cause the owner to weaken considerably. The body’s ability to naturally recover internal energy is also diminished, and the recovery rate only grows weaker as the internal store of energy is depleted. It can reach such a level that eventually the body can no longer produce internal energy by itself and external assistance is required, lest the body erodes away in an attempt to maintain itself. [i]Natural Arts:[/i] Like most individuals trained within Thao, Chatsu is quite capable of manipulating his internal energy for a variety of different effects. From reinforcing his own, already considerable, physical capabilities to lashing out with an extension to his weapon, there’s many ways the Natural Arts can be used. [indent][u]Notable Techniques[/u] [list][*]Deity Amongst Men: A technique that involves infusing internal energy in a foot and releasing it with a brutal stomp. It can cause the ground, even solid rock, to crater as a shockwave is unleashed and blasts outwards. It’s still mostly an utility technique though, used to disrupt the footing and balance of his enemies. At close ranges, opponents can literally be thrown off their feet as the ground rolls underneath them before cracking and shattering.[/*][*]Immortal’s Song: A roar infused with internal energy, there are two ways the technique can be used. One is a long drawn out cry that disorients enemies around him, and can even render weaker opponents unconscious. The other is a quick shout that generates a massive burst of sound capable of throwing enemies back while ensuring their eardrums are almost certainly ruptured. [/*][*]Titan Blade (Hybrid): A technique that combines aspects of summoning magic along with natural arts. There are already techniques that allow for Natural Art users to throw bolts and blasts of energy as projectiles; Chatsu simply sought something a bit more suited for his fighting style. By using summoning as a method to control the formation of his projected internal energy, he’s able to manifest a massive form of his weapon over the original. Nearly a dozen meters long, the creation boasts unparalleled sharpness, while retaining its ease of use. The creation is also capable of unleashing waves of energy for ranged attacks, but at the cost of decreasing in size and stability. Half a dozen projectiles would be enough to end the technique, and that is if it doesn’t destabilize first.[/*][/list][/indent] [i]Summoning[/i]: He has some rudimentary knowledge on how to perform Summoning techniques, but it is highly limited. Using it to stabilize and mold energy, rather than calling and creating other creatures is about as much as he can do. [b]Additional Info[/b]: Escaped from Thao at the age of 21, been a vagrant taking mercenary work ever since then. Has done work for all three nations though mostly for Doniaeth, followed up by Kaien, and lastly Thaos. [hider=Post Example]The land burned, a scorching hell, in more ways than one, for anyone who would try to traverse it. A constant haze hung over the shifting sands, mirages conjured by the heat, and hid the movements of beasts that lurked underneath the desert. Those cowardly creatures were not Chatsu’s target today though. The lone figure, clad in black armor, trudged over dune after dune slowly towards the sole landmark in this barren hellhole. Less hardy men would have long succumbed from the heat, even without the heavy metal equipment, but he was far from ordinary. Though he felt no small amount of discomfort at the unforgiving environment, it was just that - discomfort. It was amongst the worst conditions he had to deal with, but he endured it with only the occasional grunt or murmur of annoyance. He saw numerous beasts and creatures along his path to the massive rock formation that rose from the desert like an island. Curious creatures of all manners, but almost all had the sense to leave him alone. The ones that didn’t quickly fled when he brought his attention to bear on them; after all there were easier and more traditional prey for them than this oddity that had wandered into the sands. He sighed a bit as the latest group of creatures, these resembling bipedal lizards with blue scales, a dull red crest; and short arms tipped with long, dangerous claws, turned tail and ran away. There had been an impromptu staring match between him and the pack as he took a small break to drink from his canteen, but once that was over the creatures had scrambled off. He turned his attention away from their retreating forms and back to his destination. It wouldn’t have been wrong to call the “island” an entirely separate ecosystem from the surrounding desert; it certainly was large enough. He could see plenty of entrances in the rockside that led inside, and there were even small patches of trees and the occasional oasis around the area. Stepping into its shadow brought some relief as the sun’s rays no longer reached him, but Chatsu didn’t pause for a break. He had a monster to kill, and finding it seemed like it would be quite the task. Diablos. That was what his employers had termed the creature he was to hunt. The sketch that had shown him told Chatsu that it wasn’t going to be an easy job; the creature was easily the size of a small building with an incredibly muscular build. Thick skin and heavy plating meant it would be hard to take down, and it didn’t lack in offensive capabilities either if the massive horns and tusks along with a clubbed tail were any indications. It also had a pair of thick wings, which meant it could fly, though with its heavy build Chatsu guessed it was limited at best. He did a quick recall of the information he had been provided before he finally unsheathed the shield and sword that hung off his back. --- Yes, the Diablos most certainly was enraged, Chatsu noted as he ducked underneath the mad monster’s sweeping tail. His arm was still a bit numb from the first, and only, time he had tried to block the clubbed appendage. Aside from that discomfort, he was by the large completely unharmed from the fight so far. Unfortunately the same could be said for his opponent. The numerous cuts were superficial to the large beast at most, and the most damage he had managed to do would be with the Immortal’s Song that had done quite the number on the Diablos’ hearing. While it was slightly off-balance thanks to that, the main problem he experienced was the wyvern’s heavily armored form. Even with both hands on his greatsword, the hide was still highly resistant while the plates were nearly impervious. He had to figure a way past the creature’s natural armor… --- With a sharp grunt, Chatsu tore his blade through the Diablos’ exposed shoulder and sprayed blood into the air. He spun quickly and took to the air, flipping over the desperate tail sweep that passed by underneath. Sliding over the sand as he hit the ground, he finally came to a halt, finding his footing, after a few meters. A quick flick of his weapon freed it of blood, but changed nothing for his surroundings. The sands were already dyed red from the blood the Diablos had lost, while numerous shattered fragments of its plating littered the ground. The creature itself was a mess, barely standing, as it bled from many wounds on its body. Soft skin, normally protected by heavy scales, were exposed while its natural armor was shattered and cracked in many places. Even as badly wounded as it was though, the Diablos didn’t know retreat. With a defiant roar at the being that had hurt it so, the creature forced itself forward, kicking up sand behind it. Chatsu simply readied his weapon to meet it.[/hider]