Marcus didn't run toward the unknown force in the forest, well not Intentionally, He was simply trying to get a weapon to defend himself with. Being impale by a magic spear and meeting paranormal creature in the world had shaken him up a bit. Usually the most danger being he came across mere delinquent who took lunch for people smaller then them. It was fair to say that this was a bit much for him to get used to right away, Marcus was taken off edge when the two paranormals begin exchanging word so formally to each other. [u]he's a new member?, huh, whatever, names Hecate, don't bother me too much and were fine"[/u] Marcus then looked weirdly at her. [i]"Well she sure seem pleasant."[/i] he thought sarcastic. Though thinking back she remembered him about his past self. [u]"I'm Yuriha,"she said to the boy while bowing courteously in a way that only a Japanese person would. "I'm happy that to have a new member in our family, please take care of me."[/u] Well she seem a lot more Pleasant then the red haired girl ,not to mention cuter, though she does seem to be a bit immature. [i]"Is she cosplaying or are those ears real"[/i] he spoke quietly to himself. [i]So these two are suppose to be my seniors huh, well i suppose i should do what this guy says.[/i] He thought himself. He then bow the upper half of his body in a Japanese fashion. "Nice to meet you two, my name is Marcus Wilson, I'm a year two student." Marcus told them respectfully, though his height kind of made him look like he was still finishing middle school.