[b]Lower district of the Degar market. Noon.[/b] "They should be arriving any moment now." "Mmm." "I can't wait to see their faces!" "Mmhm." They sat at Degars Heart, a fountain of jade that flows with the glistening fairy touched waters that pulse through the village like blood through veins. One of the men, the darker of the two, was busy whittling something in his hands with a dagger. By his side sat a bright faced man, eager and cheerful in his demeanor, "Roque- my crystals have been calling out to me. The other dimensions are eager to open up to me." The excitement in his voice caused Roque to look up from his whittling. He gave his friend a peculiar look, "You're a strange man, Tamirlan." And he was right. The act of summoning was seen as sacred and sobering- it was a binding ceremony, despite the simple questions. The way that Tamirlan felt about it- delighted and doting- made it seem like he was some priest at a wedding. Roque did not share this view- they were training soldiers here, not giving pets to children. By his side lay his summon beast- the massive Carthanach- a behemoth hyena armored for war. Its heaving breath, sluggish due to sleep, caused ripples to pass through the fountains waters as the earth rumbled below. The beast enjoyed sunbathing- a pastime he just recently took up since his master became preoccupied with preparing for the new arrivals. Tamirlan turned away from them and soaked his hands in the glistening fountain water, he spoke as he cleaned them, "Maybe you should put him away- no need to scare them on their first day." Roque laughed, loud and cruel, "Imagine how I felt when I first saw Carthanach. They need the wakeup call, Tam. Its a reflection of their souls. And I want to see." The summoner nodded, "Yes. I'd like to see who they really are as well." He concluded, turning now just as the first of the students came into his line of sight, "Oh- I think I see them now. How long will it take for them to notice us, you think?" Roque looked himself over- he was dressed in his casual combat outfit. He glanced over to Tamirlan, who wore his summoning robes. The craftknight snorted, "Not long. Plus, I made sure that the guards at the gates of the village pointed them in the right direction." He dropped the whittling project into his pocket and sheathed his dagger, straightening up and looking on toward the assembling students with his bright yellow eyes. When they finally settled down before them he curtly waived, "Evening, students. I've been assigned to be your mentor for the next few months or so. Name's Roque. This here is Tamirlan- and this-" he jutted his thumb over his shoulder at the colossus beside him, "Is Carthanach, my Guardian Beast." Tamirlan spoke up now, smiling and seemingly more enthusiastic than his companion, "And I am the Summoner. I hope your travels fared you well. Roque and I have decided that now would be the best time to summon your Guardian beasts- since the first assessment would be impossible without one. How does that sound? Are you nervous? No need to be!" Roque rolled his eyes at his friends tone, but his attitude did not break his default gruff voice, "Tamirlan's right. No use in waiting. The faster we can get you all to bond and fight alongside your beasts, the better." Tamirlan sat on the fountain and splayed out his hands to the students, "Now, is everyone prepared with their [b]tokens[/b]? Hopefully you all came with your [b]precious items[/b]- since without one, I'd be unable to summon your beast. Hand them over now and the ceremony can begin at once."