[b]Name:[/b] Orin 'The Black Beast' Windglaive [b]Age:[/b] 16?? [b]Gender:[/b] ??? [b]Race:[/b] Devil - Black Beast [b]Rank:[/b] Medium Class Devil? [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/xGabrielxArt/Detective/MerchantTwoKinds_zps3d805187.jpg[/img] Her female form retains the short hair and tanned skin, though obtains rather impressive C cup assets along with a much more feminine figure all around. [b]Personality:[/b] Orin is a lovable pervert that would just laze around and spend time with lovely girls if he was allowed. He accepts the punishment for his behavior and just shrugs it off. Though this makes him seem a little detached from the world it is really just a mask to hide his fearsome intellect, which commonly shows its head in battle, this along with his unique power has given him the nickname of Black Beast. He will never really take a fight full on unless told to do so by three people; the king queen and Yuriha. Orin often openly states how much he loves Yuriha, making it no secret to others while not even feeling the slightest embarrassment. [b]Evil piece:[/b]Rook [b]Categorized:[/b] Power - Technique [b]Normal powers:[/b] Transformation: The black beast is a form given to Orin as a descendant of the great beast Ragnarok and the celtic black dog. He is able to transform into a HUGE shaggy dog like being with a coat as black as night and fangs and claws as large as the biggest sword. In this form he grains super enhanced physical abilities, and if he so wished he could transform part way so he could obtain a part of them in his human form though he is rather embarrassed by it... That being said despite his common use of a male form Orin is in fact truly genderless, and if given the chance she would not even blink a eye at turning female if she so wished it. Mist: As the legend of the Black Beast goes "A Harbinger of death stalks the nightly mists" and so too does Orin, for he has the power to teleport into a mist like form over short distances. Though immune to normal attacks while in this form, most forms of magic can in fact effect him if they have any extreme elemental proprieties, such as fire etc. Devourer: Orin is able to bite into and eat almost anything, from bad cooking to metal he can bite into it like it was a cookie. He can also swallow magical artifacts, though would break them if he bit into them if they were weak. He can choose to store what he has eaten within him. From this he can turn his arm into metal, or even use a artifacts power as his own. Normally this only lasts 24 hours but for magical artifacts he can only swallow one but stays and gives its power to him until he spits it up. [b]Magical energy and powers: [/b]High Above Normal Magical Power All basic magic spells He can use a unique spell to summon chains and pillars to try and lock someone down, a hold over from his forefather Ragnarok who could not even be bound by the chains of gods. [b]Equipment:[/b] Armagus: A magical metal rod looking weapon with a rather strange ability to shift its weapon type at will. It has a in built metal umbrella when the handle is extended, but when pushed in can split into segments attached by a chain, allowing for longer range attacks. It has many other functions but Orin has not discovered them. [b]History:[/b] Chains, eyes staring, traveling and more chains... This was the life of a slave; this use to be Orin's life. Bound and muzzled like the beast that he was hiding, the monster was carted around illegal slave auctions, becoming legendary in the market for his uniqueness. However no one dared buy him, for they knew he was dangerous for their kind, and they were right to fear him. He only wished for freedom and would have done anything to be able to obtain it, even ripping every single supernatural being within that auction house, but then she came... Mistress Gwendolyn Windglaive. She radiated a unique feeling of power,refinement, and love. When she bought him she showed no fear, even after releasing him and becoming pinned his fangs ready to rip her apart, she said a simple few words [color=ed145b][i][b]"You are free"[/b][/i][/color] And forever his loyalty was bound to the women... She who simply got him to set him free now had a loyal pet, and retainer. So Orin finally obtained his name [color=ed145b][i][b]"Orin Windglaive" [/b][/i][/color]