[quote=@The Mad Hatter] I trust that you are able to make balanced characters and that I do not have to tell you not to make them over powered. I also trust that you know not to god-mod, metagame or whatever without me having to say so. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them; there are no stupid questions, only bad answers. [/quote] You do realize that over-powered is subjective, right? We're talking about people that have the potential to move cities with their minds, or rip them apart, atom by atom. Others will only ever die of old age, and that will take centuries. They are effectively immortal, which some would consider OP to begin with. I've seen other characters bring down buildings around other characters, and the one that had the building collapse around them (huge falling pieces of concerete and I-beams, massive girders and all) survive with maybe a broken arm. (It was clever, really.) So... What is your limit or considering of OP? the other thing is, something that might be only minimally helpful or powerful in one player's hands a GM might consider OP in the hands of another. Or are we talking something like this? [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10616625_729984940416538_4473798993339743282_n.jpg?oh=1e1acd11cdf906c5da2f00c6dc240002&oe=55E1D929&__gda__=1438909429_083ebdb8e88e75cf805ce8b4ede074ff[/img] Or maybe Superman wielding Mjolnir [img]https://scontent-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10622956_729984980416534_5577185166842251987_n.jpg?oh=d435d5ac7e2c841a0f59091fa51b6756&oe=55CB32DC[/img] Just sayin'. Those are gross examples... but In a world very similar (ie: ripped off) of X-men... where do you draw the line?