[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/00sXcIp.jpg][/center] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [i][center]Maki Kirisame[/center][/i] [b][u]Age|Gender:[/u][/b] [i][center]16 | Female[/center][/i] [b][i]Village:[/i][/b] [center][i]Kirigakure[/i][/center] [b][u]Rank:[/u][/b] [center][i]Genin[/i][/center] [b][i]Clan:[/i][/b] [center][i]Kirisame[/i][/center] [b][u]Kekkai Genkai:[/u][/b] [i][u]Cursed Blood Flow[/u][/i] [hider=Blood Curse/Blood Release][center][i]The Cursed blood of Kirigakure's Kirisame Clan, and the reason they've become legends among their people. One possessing the Blood Curse has a severely weakened life force compared to an ordinary human, and their chakra stores are usually about one-fourth of normal levels. With such a terrible strain on their body and spirit, those cursed few must seal away the source of their power in order to escape the deathly temptations of the clan's secret arts. For of course, without the Curse of Blood one could never unlock the clan's other secret, the hidden art of Blood Release. Any who dares to unlock the secrets of Blood Release would be able to wield their own cursed blood as a deadly weapon, at the cost of their own life energies. The blood of the cursed is deadly poison to anything living, and it possesses the ability to absorb the blood of others to replenish itself. [/i][/center][/hider] [b][u]Traits:[/u][/b][list] [*]Low chakra reserves/Poor stamina[/*] [*]Astounding senses/Stealthy[/*] [*]Can smell fresh blood across huge distances[/*] [*]Replenishes blood faster than ordinary humans[/*][/list] [hider=History][center][i][/i][/center][/hider] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] [center][i]Maki is more than just an ordinary kunoichi, she's the inheritor of the Kirisame clan's will, and as long as her families cursed blood continues flowing through her veins, she cannot allow herself to falter in the slightest. Still, she is a timid girl by nature, and her lack of strength has given rise to a rash and selfless nature that puts both herself and those around her at danger. She will sacrifice everything to be useful, a trait that helps guide her through life and training with enough determination to make up for her lack of talent. Her motivations vary from case to case, but the moment she's made a decision, she refuses to back down even if it means facing death head on. Because she is the type to deny reality, she is easily swayed by words and is easily capable of sheathing her ambitions for the sake of peace. In times of chaos, she may be prone to delusions or sudden changes in conviction as she struggles with internal conflict and a desire to do what she can. When it comes to working as a team, she will take on as much burden as she is capable of, but because she lacks confidence she often ends up being left behind by her peers. In a pressure-free enviroment, she is able to flourish as if nothing in the world was wrong, something that has allowed her to deal with her stressful destiny and survive until today.[/i][/center] [b][i]Chakra Nature:[/i][/b] [center][i]Suiton[/i][/center] [b][u]Jutsu List:[/u][/b] [center][i]It's assumed that she knows the most basic of ninja techniques, such as walking on water or producing a substitution. [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Hiding_in_Mist_Technique]Hiding in Mist[/url][/i][/center] [hider=Custom Techniques][i][u]Cursed Blood Seal: Release[/u][/i] [i][u]Type:[/u][/i] [center][i]FÅ«injutsu/Ninjutsu[/i][/center] [i][u]Range:[/u][/i] [center][i]Self[/i][/center] [i][u]Nature:[/u][/i] [center][i]Blood[/i][/center] [u][i]Description:[/i][/u] [center][i]The hidden secret technique of the Kirisame clan that releases the seal on their cursed blood and allows them to make use of Blood Release. When the seal is released, it will provide a temporary decrease in energy and strength that will gradually return as the seal begins to regenerate itself. For as long as the seal is gone, the cursed blood will possess all of its deadly qualities and be fully manipulable by the user's will and chakra. Whenever the user's cursed blood is unsealed, it will continuously sap at their vitality until resealed, giving the risk of rapid overexertion. [/i][/center] --------------------------------------------------------------- [i][u]Blood Release: Blood Bullets[/u][/i] [i][u]Type:[/u][/i] [center][i]Ninjutsu[/i][/center] [i][u]Range:[/u][/i] [center][i]Mid[/i][/center] [i][u]Nature:[/u][/i] [center][i]Blood[/i][/center] [u][i]Description:[/i][/u] [center][i]Of the hidden Blood Release techniques, this is among the most basic, although it's still plenty deadly if used sparingly. The user starts by flinging their own blood towards their target enhanced with small amounts of chakra. The bullets accelerate rapidly and solidify to an extent, resulting in piercing projectiles that can hit many times in a single use. While no handseals are needed ordinarily, the lack of killing power possessed by these bullets make them impractical unless careful aim is used or in close-ranged combat. Blood Bullets require precise aim to hit effectively, but the primary killing factor is the fact that even small amounts of Cursed Blood in an injury can cause debilitating pain and excessive bleeding.[/i][/center] --------------------------------------------------------------- [i][u]Blood Release: Blood Healing[/u][/i] [i][u]Type:[/u][/i] [center][i]Ninjutsu[/i][/center] [i][u]Range:[/u][/i] [center][i]Close[/i][/center] [i][u]Nature:[/u][/i] [center][i]Blood[/i][/center] [u][i]Description:[/i][/u] [center][i]The second of the three basic Blood Release techniques, Blood Healing is the most complicated of the three, allowing one to close wounds at the cost of large amounts of blood. This can save somebodies life in a pinch, but the blood cost is so tremendous that it's impractical when faced with blood loss. Functions on the same principle as the Mystic Hand technique, but because Blood already possesses so much vital energy, it's considerably less complicated and difficult.[/i][/center] --------------------------------------------------------------- [i][u]Blood Release: Blood Barrier[/u][/i] [i][u]Type:[/u][/i] [center][i]Ninjutsu[/i][/center] [i][u]Range:[/u][/i] [center][i]Self[/i][/center] [i][u]Nature:[/u][/i] [center][i]Blood[/i][/center] [u][i]Description:[/i][/u] [center][i]The final of the three basic Blood Release techniques, which allows the creation of a solid barrier of blood that can deflect physical attacks and dampen ninjutsu. Fundamentally effective, however the small area and high cost means that using this more than once in a fight can be dangerous for a lesser skilled user.[/i][/center] --------------------------------------------------------------- [i][u]Blood Release: Blood Lance[/u][/i] [i][u]Type:[/u][/i] [center][i]Ninjutsu[/i][/center] [i][u]Range:[/u][/i] [center][i]Mid[/i][/center] [i][u]Nature:[/u][/i] [center][i]Blood[/i][/center] [u][i]Description:[/i][/u] [center][i]The only advanced Blood Release technique in Maki's possession, the Blood Lance is a devastating attack that launches an accurate lance of pseudo-solidified blood from one of the user's palms that pierce through must substances and is able to quickly impale anybody caught in its linear striking range. While effective and deadly if struck, the blood cost of this technique makes it extraordinarily impractical. At a low level, this is an invaluable technique for ending fights quickly, as a long fight is the bane of any Blood Release user. As such, this technique is unlike others in that it can't be used freely, if used and failed it essentially guarantees defeat for the user, but if it strikes it will seriously injure or incapacitate nearly any foe.[/i][/center][/hider] [b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b][list] [*]Basic Ninja Tools (Kunai, Shuriken, Smoke Bombs.)[/*] [*]Chakra-infused bandages to prevent blood loss (Two rolls)[/*] [*]Water-breathing device[/*][/list] [u][i]Miscellaneous:[/i][/u] [i][center]Secretly adores the scent and taste of blood, doesn't seem to think it's creepy at all. She was posted incomplete, but why? Tatsua just wanted her to be reviewed before she invested in the history, s'all.[/center][/i]