A rather large mostly armored figured, likely approaching 6'8", strolled through Degar taking in its sights which where new and looking about at it people who already seemed to have a sort of recognition for him. Jobain's curiosity sort of got the better of him in this new village with all of its plant life and many different peoples ending up with him losing his sense of time. It took him a few moments to get himself back in order so he could head for the fountain still in a stroll not wanting to make too much noise in his heavy plate armor, though he removed his helmet for comfort. His shield was currently strapped to his back, very literally strapped given its size, possibly making people question if that was his protection what his weapon was. He thought it was quite fitting and well made to take more than a few hits for him before dishing them back out. Jobain moved up to the fountain seeing a couple others having arrive not so far ahead of him despite his pace. He stood not far away from the rest keeping a smile and having a look at his fellow recruits. His gaze first fell upon the two wielding a spear and glaive seeming to be in rather good spirits where as the smaller girl with a sword seemed intimidated or just frightened, it was probably the massive beast belonging to the man who was to be they're teacher. If he wasn't used to being around larger animals himself he might have felt a bit off around such a thing but it wasn't the case as he thought it was more interesting than anything. So far he liked what he saw in everyone there though once the Summoner asked for his token he had to dig around in a small pack for a moment to find it. Jobain produced a small emblem, ornate and made of silver that was shaped like a shield with [i]Shield Brother[/i] engraved in it, which had apparently been in the family for some time on his mother's side. They did well enough herding not usually cold or hungry but there was nothing luxurious about how his family lived but the small emblem had always been that little bit that they had and it meant quote a bit to him. It embodied the spirit of the long dead shield bearing Craftknights of his ancestors. As reluctant as he was to relinquish the little symbol there would be no other way forward so he lightly handed it to the Summoner who looked rather eager compared to his companion. [i]Wonder what this will be like.[/i] Jobain thought tilting his head to the side slightly.